Women of DarknessGalleryHot Favs PROFILE: ..SLIVER..MYLLYANA
She's Back...
  • Myllyana
  • Sliver Clan
  • Scarlet
  • Race: too complicated
  • Returning after fulfilling an old bond, the majik that held her had grown cold, weak, and alas, gone with the last of a Clan.
  • Age: Eons
  • Resides: DarkLar
  • Allies: Unknown
  • Aligned: Dark
Time can change many things. but not all.
Of ancient Asian decent her black hair shines true Midnight of blue haunts moon. But something else shined behind jade eyes. something prosaic. She has laid her sword down to vow to those of Darkest Caste and Deepest of Guilds. Concubine and Warrior, she grew fast through the ranks of the worthy Armies, Soon named the First Female War Chancellor of Rhydin.
Only one thing suddenly scared the soul of old. She was with child. Only truely knowing that love, her longing for the Child to have the world sparked the raged flame of greed, for power. But it was no secrets that she told, not betrayl of money nor wars, it was of the heart. Funny she's thought though out all this time, "A heart brough down an empire", and hense her thought of human emotion had been greatly undersetemated. Cast back to the lower levels of hell by the Rulers kin, held by tendrils of thick black mist, she waited, her punishment fair and understood. But still she waited. She watched.

The hidden Mother of Bliezja, Grandmother of Peace and Faith, Greatgrandmother to Matese and Portio then on to Vyne. The only light in oblivion seemed to dance across a smile, as even from hell she toiled, assuring all female births, till her return. As stories pass on, written and spoke on shifting nights, someone will eventually grow curious, and open a door someone is knocking on.

* all photos and gifs belong to Harris Comics and . This is a Non profit page ment for RP. The owner of this page does not claim any of the artwork her own, just simply enjoys them.

A Quote

Morty the Death's Head

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