History and Uses of the Onticle

Some Background Information

The Onticle is divination system which is very very ancient. The Onticle is based on 72 harmonizing essences or energies. Its purpose is to contain the world's archetypes and basic meanings and apply them toward numerous uses. These energies that are associated with the way the universe communicates. The divination system uses this subtle energy via the synchronicity and intents of the diviner. The Onticle is totally customizable to the diviner’s needs. Correspondences used in magick and wicca are congruent to the use of this divination tool.


This semantic divination tool is very similar in design to Tarot cards or the "Golden Compass" or Alethiometer found which is described in Philip Pullman’s book or the Liahona found in the "Book of Mormon, First Nephi". The number 72 is a holy number. It's practical in a sense that it can incorporate most small lists. Almost everything can be broken down into small lists. And since 72 divides evenly by 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9 and 12, it is very convenient. The quantity of 72 also approximates the size of the Tarot Cards (78). For the numbers 5, 7 and 10 we have to use the number 70. The first and last cards then represent extreme Yang and Yin or Alpha and Omega. Yang is also a relative marker to top, forward, after, faster, hotter and anything higher in value on either continuous or quantized scales. Yin represents bottom, darker, smaller, slower, and all lower or negative values based on relativity and human standards. The 72 numbers as a whole contain the Chinese twelve and the 70 contains the meanings of the Chinese ten. There are supposed to be correspondences to Feng Shui and I Ching and all other divination systems in the world as well. This tool is based on the Babylonian number system which was based on numbers that are easily factored into smaller numbers. Prime numbers are more "sensitive" or sacred as some might say. Seventy-two is an ideal number because of 7 and the fact that it is ironically very factorable.

Although 72 isn't the utmost perfect number of all, it is significant in the work of correspondence and it can incorporate such lists with a various number of elements ie: a list from 1 to 12 using suits similar to the standard card decks. Other lists can be adjusted themselves or the number 72 adjusted by using a combination and by ignoring or amplifying the left over numbers.


Significance of the number 72. Seventy-two is the number of apostles, also the number of years allotted to man in general and to the apostles who would not tarry by both biblical and Kabbalistic accounts (see also Book of Mormon, Third Nephi). The Babylonian number 360 divided by the pentagram is also 72 degrees and the pentagram symbolizes man. 72 is also a number for the names of angels and demons alike and Rosicrucian symbols (see August Vindelicorum and the Art of Memory). 72 is also the degrees inscribd by one fifth of a 360 degree circle. It also marks every fifth degree on a compass. 72 is also six dozens and fits nicely with all the twelve systems in the world ie: months, hours, Israel, apostles, music notes, etc…


The form of the system has been found on cards, on wheels, on compasses, on spheres and tablets. No matter the form, the Onticle always has 72 pieces.


The cards then are a vehicle for becoming the compendium of human thought and the laws of synchronicity and possibilities. In other words it is a correspondence engine. If put to use properly, the Onticle can predict the future quite well.


The Onticle is not complete for several reasons however. The original symbols have been lost since Babel and Adams names and ennumerations have long since been lost. The symbols however have been split into so many different systems and alphabets of the world. If one is lucky however, they will see the original characters. Once revealed however, they must never be divulged. The writing of the ancient language of the Ancient of Days is forbidden and utterance is only to be done by the holiest of men and the purest children. It is a language of the Gods. Pure, simple and powerful.


One point needs to be made. That since the Onticle is not completely with us, it gives the practitioner the opportunity to fill it up with their own correspondences. In simple terms, you take a list of things, entities or influences, etc.; longer lists are reduced or centered within the structure, and they can be assigned a number from one to seventy-two or a suit.. The list is then repeated until it fills the whole list. One can make a Book of Deeds, Shadows, Lights in which one fills 72 pages with various lists until completely full of correspondences. To become specific, one must only combine the units together or spell out something. Almost any divination method is possible, one must merely pick the method either by choice or chance and then use it accordingly. Some fantastic results have often developed.

Some common uses are prescribed for the Onticle; namely, divination, psychological introspection, planning, story writing and brainstorming, language teaching, personality discovery.




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