a thought on nationalism

nationalism is shit*

*perhaps I should explain a bit more. The approach to teaching nationalism to children is very wrong. It is that wrong teachings that causes wars, hate-crimes and other problems. Instead of teaching the children "this is the world - we are all people, we should be proud of being no matter who you are" this is what SHIT is being taught to little children "you are born in the country of _____[country name], this is the best country in the world, and there is nothing better. You are the absolute best, smartest child ever, because you are ____[the nationality of the child]." How do I know this, it is because my parents were feeding me and my brother this SHIT when I was back in Russia. They are very intelligent people, but they were born, and brought to believe this nonsence. I turned out fine, I guess I listened to other people a bit, and had a lot of logic to figure out this mass conspiracy*. My brother, on the other hand believed that crap that was fed to him for long periods of time, untill he came to USA. Sure, now he doe not believe that Russia is the greatest country in the world, but TO THIS DAY, this SICK FUCK says constantly "oh, we are Russian, we are smarter than all these Americans, we'll go far in life". This is the kind of attitude I do not like. Maybe he did get a better education in Russia than most people in USA even after finishing college (because of how much he was forced to read, and the classes he was forced to take), that still does not support his words.

To this day, 90% (or maybe even more - but hopefully much less) of people in Russia are living in poverty. I am POSITIVE, a large portion of the older population still believes that the country is the greatest**. But that is not the part that I am worried about, it is this false believe that you are all "bad ass" just because you are American, or Russian, or whatever-the-fuck your stupid nationality is ... all in all you're just a-nother human. Instead of nationalism, philanthropy should be taught.

*surely you might laugh at my poor choice of words, but you can understand that it is what it is (I'm sorry - this is late - the past 5 words might have meant nothing) ...

**this case, I believe - it is optimistic to be a nationalist - and therefore appropriate

June , 2002

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