Ministry Outline

The Kingdom Ministry

Kingdom Ministry is a ministry aimed at reaching the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The main mission of the Ministry is to building visionary and sprit-filled leaders along with building kingdom minded Christians and generation.

Leadership Center

In order to address the leadership issues of the churches and the ministries the kingdom ministry is highly committed to develop a leadership Center that can be upgraded to a University level in the future. The leadership center primarily focuses on the training of potential church and ministry leaders along with upgrading Christian brothers working at different levels.

Resource Center

The ministry shall establish a resource center that can provide the majority youth with access to various educational and spiritual books and information.

The Recording of History

The Ministry shall make a survey and a recording of history of local churches and ministries, so that the works of God shall be documented for the next generation in a written form.

Peace and Reconciliation Institute

The Ministry is committed to establish Peace and Reconciliation Institute to enhance the peace efforts based on the principles of God that states " Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ, and gave us the ministry of reconciliation"2cor 5:18.

Literature and Publications

The Ministry shall publish newsletters, Tracts, stickers and magazines to saturate and impact the world by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


It is the strong conviction of the Ministry to build a Prayer Tower at different places to support its mission through prayer and make intercession.


The Ministry shall carry out an Outreach ministry in order to reach the needy people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Advisory Role

The Kingdom Ministry shall advise churches and Ministries on Financial and administrative matters and provide training to upgrade their management and accounting systems.

For your financial support:

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
A/c No. 491, Bole Branch

GOD Bless you!!!

Address: Kingdom Ministry

P.O. Box 21023, Code 1000,


Faith Statement and Focus



Addis Ababa, Ethiopia