Methuselah, the longest surviving person in the Bible, lived 969 years (Genesis 5:27).
Goliath, whom David killed with a slingshot, stood over 9 feet tall! His coat of armor weighed about 125 pounds. The head of his spear by itself weighed 15 pounds (1 Samuel 17:4-7).
The prophet Elijah ran all the way from Mount Carmel to Jezreel in northern Israel, then on to Beersheba in southern Judah, a distance of over 100 miles (1 Kings 18:45-19:5).
King Solomon's salary was 666 talents--or 25 tons-- of gold per year. At modern gold prices of $460 per once, he received $368 million per year(1 Kings 10:14).
If two million Israelites took part in the exodus out of Egypt (a conservative estimate based on Numbers 1:45-46), the procession would have been an incredible sight. Marching 50 abreast, the column of departing Jews would have stretched for 23 miles into the desert. Walking at a comfortable pace of 2.5 miles per hour, the people would have required almost 10 hours to pass the same point.
The wooden ark, in which Noah, his family and the animals escaped the flood, was buit according to God's instructions. It was 450 feet long, as long as one and a half football fields, and it was 45 feet tall, as tall as a five-story building (Genesis 6:15).