SHA Shay Nk
Yahoo! Games
WELL, For those who know me dont want 2 know any thing more!
For those whu came in late,
I m a typical fun loving guy who likes to have fun in everything and anything ,right from gettin up in da morning 2 sleepin at night
My College Group Homepage
My hobbies include primarily watching MOVIEs!.Someday I'd like to own a Movie Library.
Then comes Computer Games,basically strategy ones.
Football's the sport i like although i dont move much but my friends r ok with that.
I find my interests in Programming and in Graphics and Special Effects Industry,
relatively to Gaming Industry too.
R U made up of my kinda stuff?
I got MUM and a DAD and a little SIS.
SOme of my friends include
PeeJee,MAAghu,Gattu,Chauhan,MAddy,AnOO,Ritika,Chopu,RST,Verghi,Saanda,Sagar,Boo,Poo,Rohini,Iobs,Munocha,Kiran,Hiten,Madhup,and the list goes on and on...
From school days my special friends r
Varun,Darshan,Swaroop,Swapnil,Nikhil,Sharad,Anoop,Aditya,Anirudha etc etc....