Rules about pictures:

Please send pictures, unfortunately I will have to censor certain things from the pictures because of certain laws. 

I will post pictures of:

  1. People over 18
  2. Bondage
  3. Pictures of you
  4. Anything else that is not mentioned in the 'No Post' section

I will have to censor:

  1. Female sex organs, male sex organs 

I will not post, pictures of: (No Post)

  1. MINORS (I.E. under 18)
  2. Sex
  3. A picture involving excretion of liquids from a body
  4. Copyrighted Photos

Please remember that the reason I have these rules is to keep this site open, and to keep its current hosting.

Have Fun!

(Note: You may e-mail me any pictures that you like, but I will not post them if the violate the 'No Post' Section)