Awards, giving and recieving.

Kahless: I finally got around to it, the Galactic Anarchy Award system! I give out "Kahless's stamp of approval for unneccesary violence" now. It's been given to all my favorite fight sites, who have accepted it. Most honorable of them.

Z: And I'm working on Z's insane website award.

Thunderbolt: And, I give out the good sci-fi site.

Kahless: The boss is also considering giving out a general good-site award.

Kahless: Hmm, seems to be a note...

Z: Open it! Open it!

Kahless: *cuts open the envelope, starts to read* Oh my goodness.......

Z: What?! WHAT?!

Kahless:....we....we....GOT AN AWARD!!!!!!! US!?!?

Kahless and Z:

Z: We got an award!

Kahless: YEAH!!

The Commentators high-five each other

Z: Thanks to Mira Delenn, who recognizes true talent when she sees it!

Thunderbolt: HEY GUYS! GET UP!!

Kahless: Oh, what do you want?

Z:'s.....*squint* 5AM!!!! This had better be important!

Thunderbolt: Oh, I don't know if it is or not, I figured I'd get you up anyways.

Kahless: Oh, how considerate of you...

Thunderbolt: You got this package.

Z: Ooooh, any chance it's a new award??? huh? huh? huh?

Kahless: *opens package*, well it's something....*makes poking gestures*

Z: What is it?

Kahless: Well, it IS an award...

Thunderbolt: Let's see!

Kahless: *carefully pulls it out by a corner*

Z: Cool, the cat didn't puke on us.

Thunderbolt: That much we can be glad for.

Kahless: Amen! Well it's an award....we should be grateful.

Z: .....yeah, we should....


Note from the Author: I do appreciate the recognition, and I don't really dislike the award that much, so don't feel bad, 'k?

Thunderbolt: Another award??

Everyone: YAY!! YAY!!

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