Fox'Chick Keeper of Mulder's Luscious Ass

Fox'Chick Keeper of Mulder's Luscious Ass

"Why SHOULDN'T truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all has to make sense."-Mark Twain.


Our Beloved Duo

Pics of Mulder, Scully and them together:-) Enjoy!!
"I believe in the swet spot, soft core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas eve, and I believe in long, sweet, slow, deep, wet kisses that last three days.Goddnight."-Kevin Costner, Bull Durham. No infringement intended, just a damn good quote!

On the Grassy Knoll A little something for the conspiracy buff in everyone.

Fanfic Links

!!!!! POETRY!!!

From My soul to Yours

A page dedicated to the talents of Sarah McLachlin!! Pics and Lyrics from Solace and Fumbling Towards Esctasy
Sarah McLachlin


Here are pictires of my kittens, Grace, the small one and Turkish.

Please sign the guestbook with any suggestions you might have. All are welcome:-) PLEASE send me your own on whatever topic:-)Thanks:-)

ANNOUNCEMENT: Well the show is over and left us all feeling bitter and disappointed but I have hope that they will FINALLY give us the movie we deserve as an audience.

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

EMAIL ME in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

DISCLAIMER: The X-FILES belong to Chris Carter, 1013 Productions and the FOX Network, along with the immensely talented Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny. NO INFRINGEMENT INTENDED! This page is PURELY for my entertainment and those of others. I MAKE NO PROFIT FROM IT NOR DO I WANT TOO. If you intend on suing me.. the only thing I have is my college tuition money which I would very much like to keep. Thank You.

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