Hey! Welcome to my l'il place on the Net. Sit down and make yourself comfy. There's not a whole lot here, b/c I've devoted my time to my other homepage, and school... *yea, right*... so, come back often, and there might be a few changes.

If you can't already tell by that little header up there, I am a major X-Files freak... in the worst way! (Which basically means that I'm a 'shipper) I'm a part of several mailing lists, and believe me, they are more psychotic than I am... I get 700+ messages on the weekends!!

But, I don't mind them at all. They are just like family, in fact! Without them, I am sure that I would be mentally decapacitated, gone crazy in some padded cell somewhere. Honestly...

NE-ways, like I said, look around. If there is something here that doesn't work, is broken, you just don't like, let me know, and I'm sure to give you a response...

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