G.A.B.'s   Irish Green Team Page

The Irish Green Team has been visited by people since our starting date of 8/23/98

Hi  I'm Admiral Kid Trek.
This is the G.A.B.'s Irish Team webpage here on the NET.

G.A.B. (Good traders Against Bad traders) was developed in an effort to make the Net a safer place to trade by identifying potential dishonest traders and sharing this information with other honest traders. G.A.B. membership has grown so fast that it became necessary to divide it members into smaller teams.
Although there are literally hundreds of G.A.B. traders to trade with, this site only features the G.A.B. members of Irish Green Team. This site is for Irish Green Team, and maintained by Admiral Kid Trek. Below is a link to Our Rank Page of the current standings of each Irish Green Team member.

The Irish Green Team is now 110 Members Strong!

NOTICE:    NO SPAMMING of the Irish Green Team member list or members refererence lists is allowed.
If you have a special notice that you would like the Irish Green Team members to be aware of, please send your request to Admiral Kid Trek, Thank You.

If you would like to propose a trade, send your references to me, make a suggestion about the webpage,
report on "BAD" Traders or questions about cards or trading or even G.A.B. Feel free to e-mail me by
"clicking" on the Communicator Icon to reach me at Kid Trek's Mailbox I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

And Don't Forget if you need info on cards or help on your Websites Let Me Know, I'll do my best to help as much as I can.

The Ranks

New Member

No References checked yet


1 - 5

Confirmed good trading references.  


6 - 15

Confirmed good trading references.  

Lt. Commander

16 - 30

Confirmed good trading references.  


31 - 50

Confirmed good trading references.  



Confirmed good trading references.  

Vice Admirals
Admiral - Team Leader

Card Types Both Trading and Gaming

MTG = Magic The Gathering (all sets combined) DTD = Doomtown The Deadlands
SW = Star Wars ME = Midle-earth
ST = Star Trek X = Xfiles
B5 = Babylon 5 (All series) OV = Overpower
BT = BattleTech SF = Spellfire
AP = Aliens Predator NR = Netrunner
L5R = Legend of Five Rings OT = Other

All New Members Please sign in before joining the Irish Green Team.
And remember to take a look at the Logbook from time to time to keep updated with all the members of the team.
The Log Book is temporary down due to te Web Service.
Check back shorthly to see when it's working again.
Sign Logbook       View Logbook

The Rules

G.A.B. Rules

It is G.A.B.'s policy to only accept trade references. If you bought the cards it does not count. The idea is that a reference must be able to tell the condition of the cards as well as how the person ships them. There will only be only one reference point given per trader even if you trade with them more than once, also the point will only count once even if the trader you are trading with has different email addresses.

G.A.B. Oath

We all follow the **G.A.B.'s OATH** 
"I promise to deal honestly, and fairly with everyone. I promise to send my cards when promised. All cards will be in mint or near-mint condition as defined by Scrye unless otherwise noted. I promise to ship my cards in a soft cover to protect the card from scratching, and a hard cover to protect the card from the hazards of the mail system. I further promise to help search out all bad traders including the links to them and forward the names to G.A.B. If I have a web page, I will add a link to the G.A.B. Bad Trader list."

Irish Green Team Rules

When a Irish Green Team member (you) sends the Team Leader (me) a reference, it will be a complete email address that the Team Leader can send out as a Reference Check without crashing due to the fault of the Team Member. Said email address will contain the following to be considered a valid email address: trader's name or "handle"@ISP Service address
i.e. joesmith@aol.com. There will be no spaces in any part of the email address AT ALL!! There must be the "@isp. service" address at the end of the email address. Any other email addresses that are sent here not following this process will be considered "INVALID" and will not be sent out! The Team Member will not be notified of the illegal email address either. So it's YOUR RESPONSIBLITY as traders to give the correct email address, and not make your Team Leader guess at what you mean.
When the Team Leader sends out a member's references to be checked most times your references will be answered back to him in a timely fashion from the people you have traded with. But there are times when someone won't answer back right away to a Reference Check for you. So the Team Leader will allow about a month's time, where he will email your trading party at about once a week to keep checking up on your submitted references for you. After that time has passed the Team Leader will email you so that it will be your responsiblity to email your trading partner and have him get in touch with your Team Leader. In order to tell him about the trade that occured between the pair of you. In order to get your reference points for your GAB ranking.


1. When you send me ref's to check up on for you just send me eddresses (email addresses) only.
No peoples names
No details on the trade
No mailto links
Just eddresses now please
2. Please stack your eddresses, no commas between them.
3. No duplicate eddresses. This means don't send me the exact same eddress, only difference being that it's all or partially in Upper
or Lower case.
4. If you have different subject matters like: email changes on ref's, new ref's, already sent but don't see them on my page, sent
before. Please stack and separate them accordingly.
Here's a sample:

I have some email ref's for you to check, as well as email changes, and previous emails.

New Ref's

Email Changes
jfk2264@mailexcite.com to kidtrek@naisp.net

Have Previous Sent

Sent some time ago but haven't seen posted yet

The Features

Come meet the Irish Green Team

Kid Trek's USS Webtrader

Irish Green Team's Personal Webpages

Our Run-ins with the Bad Traders

G.A.B.'s Other Teams Webpages
Check Out Other G.A.B. Teams to Trade With

Our Run-ins with the Bad Traders

Proper Mailing Techniques for Internet Trading

Irish Green Team's CCG Playing Room   Beseen.com
IGT Place on the Net to Play CCG
Open as of 9/25/98 Come on in and see who's playing!!!!

Irish Green Team's Graphics Page
Open as of 9/12/98
Come See What's New!!!!

Irish Green Team's Trading Board
Up and Running as of 9/2/98!!!!!!

E-mail Trading Lists
Started as of 9/4/98

A Few Webrings that I know of that might help

Card Collecting Reasources
Now Open as of 9/15/98!!!!
Come In and See the "Good Spots" to find cards on the Net.

G.A.B. Links

This is the GAB Home page!

Come Join Good traders Against Bad traders
Proud members of GAB, who promote safe trading on the NET

This is the GAB Bad Trader List

Want to know who the bad traders are? Come find out!

This is the GAB Email List

Choose a maillist to Join!

This is the GAB BBS

Checkout What's Happening!

These pages are intended strictly for personal use of those who appreciate the hard work, intelligence, artistry, and effort that go into making real and fictional spacecraft. This site is not intended to infringe on the intellectual properties of any copyright holders. BABYLON 5, the Babylon 5 logo, all photos and images from the series are copyright and trademark 1992-1997, PTEN Consortium. Star Trek names, characters, logos, and all related indicia are are copyright and trademark Paramount Pictures,Desilu and Viacom. All rights reserved. Star Wars names, characters, logos, and all related indicia are copyright and trademark Lucasfilm, Ltd. All rights reserved. Aliens names, characters, logos, and all related indicia are copyright and trademark Twentieth Century Fox. All rights reserved. Young Jedi names, characters, logos, and all related indicia are copyright and trademark Lucasfilm, Ltd. & Decipher. All rights reserved. Aliens names, characters, logos, and all related indicia are copyright and trademark Twentieth Century Fox. All rights reserved. Magic The Gathering names, characters, logos, and all related indicia are copyright and trademark Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved. Pokemon names, characters, logos, and all related indicia are copyright and trademark Nintendo Creatures and Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved. Sliders names, characters, logos, and all related indicia are copyright and trademark Universal City Studios and Fox. All rights reserved. Mars Attacks! names, characters, logos, and all related indicia are copyright and trademark Warner Bros. and Topps Comp.,Inc. All rights reserved. Black Hole names, characters, logos, and all related indicia are copyright and trademark Walt Disney Productions. All rights reserved. Treki Inside logo used with the permission of Modern Graphics 1997 copyrighted.

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