Cor-ai Riffs

"Beam me up, Scottie!...damn, it didn't work. I SAID..."
"Teal'c have you finished yet?"
"No! This has GOT to work!"

"Colonel O'Neill...I feel I should inform you that there is a N64 connected to this seat....I am already on the Snow Level of Mario 64"

The Elder was in shock! Nobody had ever told her that these strange peoples customs involved nudity! Yet, like a train wreck, she just couldn't look away....

"Spare a penny for an ex-leper?"

"Please inform these people I am sorry I have urniated on sacred ground, Daniel Jackson."

" what?"

Hanos liked the staff. It gave him a feeling of power. However, sometimes, when someone would bend down picking up a various item or another, he just coulding resist....