Fire and Water

And now, ladies and gentlemen, the sixty-five thousand dollar question is: What fate....Ammoroka?


Oh! I'm sorry, your time is up. Dr. Jackson, I'm afraid you loose the game. However, as a consolation prize you get a Brand New Brain Scan!!!

Now just step on over into this freaky machine and get your own Brain Scan. Now this may feel....a little strange...


Now how much sillier could that get?
Well this episode was intersting. I mean, it was good and all...but...well....I guess my expectations were just a little too high....but that's probably because I read an episode synopsis for it first.....yeah, that's probably it.

Anyway, Nem was weird. He's a funny little man in a rubber suit who's very annoying and doesn't know much more than five letter words. But hey! No one's perfect!!

Well I'm glad that everyone was sad over Daniel's death. AS THEY SHOULD BE! They could have been a little happier over his return though.

Oh yeah. If that is the SGC's pyschologist, then I'm not surprised half the time most of the other teams act/look like they're on drugs. Man! That guy looks like he's been through some serious sessions himself!
"Listen to the waves...aren't they...... preeeeeety ? Hee hee hee....the waves make me feel all happy!! Don't they make you feel happy?"

Jack broke Hammond's car window. YAAAAAAAAAY!!! He must've been waiting for a moment like that for a while. I know *exactly* what was going through O'Neill's mind at that time.
"This is my chance! I've been waiting to brake his car window ever since I got assigned to this project. If I do it now...he'll think it's in grief...and I'll get away with it! YES!!"