The Nox Riffs

After reading Gullivers Travels way too many times, The Nox decided to make a Floating Island. Unfortunatly they never got past step one: Making the cardboard cut-outs.

"Look into my glowing hand. You are getting sleeeeepy....sleeeeeeeepy..."

"Me intelligent and superior being, you Jane."

The world was not happy with the 90's remake of the Stoogies. Nor were they too pleased about the new names for the three: Geeky, Blondie and Fred.

"Lya....what do we do now?"
"I don't know!"
"SHHHH! Don't let the humans know that!"

Jack sneaked into the woods to live his life-long dream as Robin Hood. He loaded the bow, shot the arrow, and poked his eye out.