Title: Recon Journey
Author: Stephanie
Email address: Steph6450@aol.com
Category: Song Parody/Humour
Spoilers: Nope
Sequel/Season Info: Nope.
Ratings: G
Content Warnings: None
Summary: Any one member of SG-1 goes on a recon "journey". Song parody to Secret Journey, by The Police
Stargate Sg-1 and its characters are the property of Stargate (II) Productions, Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. This story is for entertainment purposes only and no money exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the author. This story may not be posted elsewhere without the consent of the author. Secret Journey is written by The Police (although technically Sting).

Upon a recon journey,
I met a silly man.
He didn't have much wisdom,
He's such a lonely man.

And the room started turning
I shut my eyes in pain
"This does not seem to touch you,
For you are quite insane".

You will see the joy of saneness
Because there is no sense in this
And when you've done your recon journey
You'll find the sanity you miss

And on the days that followed
I tried to hear his words.
But I still couldn't understand why
He tries to fly like birds

You will see the joy of saneness
Because there is no sense in this
And when you've done your recon journey
You'll find the sanity you miss

You will see the joy of saneness
Because there is no sense in this
You will see the joy of silliness
And you'll find the sanity you miss

And when you've done your recon journey
You will be a silly man
And when you've done your recon journey
You will be a silly man
And when you've done your recon journey
You will be a silly man
And when you've done your recon journey
You will be a silly man

The Real Lyrics
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