Solitudes Riffs

What happens when you use Geocities as a web host.

Daniel woke up in shock to find that every folicle of hair on his body had been transplanted into his eyebrows.

The Goa'uld have fancy-schmancy toilet flushing devices.

After having seen Jurassic Park for the first time, Daniel now paranoidly watches glasses of water, so that, if a tyranasaurus rex *does* come to eat them, he'll be the first to know.

"It's a snow planet, Colonel! There's snow *everywhere*. We're going to die."
"Alright, Carter. Come back in."
"Hold on for just a minute! I want to make a snow angel first."

"Yeah, okay. So let me see if I've got this straight. Three biggie burgers, three biggies shakes, two chocolate, one vanilla, and two SGC Combos to go. Would you like fries with that?"