S.F. & Alternate Reality

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David Brin
David Brin
Robert Heinlein
Robert Heinlein
Terry Pratchett
Terry Pratchett
Orson Scott Card
Orson Scott Card
David Weber
David Weber
Stephen R. Donaldson
Stephen R. Donaldson
Isaac Asimov
Isaac Asimov
Dan Simmons
Dan Simmons
Larry Niven
Larry Niven
Robert Anton Wilson
Robert Anton Wilson
Roger Zelanzy
Roger Zelazny
Frank Herbert
Frank Herbert
John Steakley
John Steakley

Welcome to Happy Blue's Book Review.
I have compiled, for your reading pleasure, a list of what I consider the best in Science Fiction, Alternate Reality and Fantasy.
Beyond each author's link are reviews of their work as well as Hotlinks to related sites.
Yours truly,
Happy Blue Dog.

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Added Robin Hobb page 5/01
Added George R. R. Martin page 5/04
Added R.A. Salvatore page 12/28

Stephen R. Donaldson
Stephen R. Donaldson
David Eddings
David Eddings
Guy Gavriel Kay
Guy Gavriel Kay
Mervyn Laurence Peake
Mervyn Laurence Peake
Joel Rosenberg
Joel Rosenberg
Glen Cook
Glen Cook
Dante Alighieri
J.R.R. Tolkien
J.R.R. Tolkien
Jack Whyte
Jack Whyte
Robin Hobb
Robin Hobb
George R. R. Martin
George R. R. Martin
R.A. Salvatore
R.A. Salvatore

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