Welcome to BOF#2. I am the major part of TIGHTLIP Comics and you have just entered my dream. Because of bad news - This dream could be thought to be a nightmare.
Roz Kirby died this past December 22nd at 2am in the mornin- from a heart attack while sleeping. She was 75 year's old at the time of her death, having celebrated her last birthday on September 25th. She was born in the year 1922. She and her husband raised three daughters and a son during their lifetime.
I learned of this loss after receiving my weekly copy of the Comics Buyer's Guide #1261 in the mail. There was a memorial notice on the cover. Inside, Mark Evanier's column looked back on the lives of Roz and Jack Kirby. Everyone knows Jack Kirby will forever be remembered as the "King" of comics. But what of his faithful wife and partner of 52 years? Will she be remembered in years to come? Only time will tell. Certainly if you do not read the Comics Buyer's Guide. You will not have the opportunity to experience the sincere admiration that Mark put into his column.
So why grieve or even remember the wife of a comic book legend? Because the woman was dedicated to her husband, family and the fans that admired Jack Kirby. It didn't stop after jack died in 1994. Roz Kirby continued to attend the larger comic conventions and shows, always telling stories of Jack and his efforts in creating and helping to create some of the most cherished characters ever created. Next time you attend a show or convention. Make notice of how many industry professional people have the loving support of their wife or husband with them. Think about how difficult it must be to be on the sidelines watching comic book history take shape.
Mark Gruenwald was a "fan" at heart. Prior to his death, Mark enjoyed a short union in marriage to his wife Catherine. Mark's last wishes were to have his ashes, or a portion of them included in his last work at Marvel. Marvel obliged Katherine Gruenwald by having a special Marvel Universe poster created. At first, only Mark's- family, close friends and work associates were given a copy of the poster. I know this because I was given one. Grueny's ashes were also put into a TPB that was reprinted involving one of Mark's creations, the Squadron Supreme. Mark's wishes were carried out because his wife loved him even unto death.
My last couple of paragraphs have to do with another Marvel legend. Back on May 11, 1996 when ORCA had its first ORCon. We were fortunate to have Dick Ayers and his wife Lindy here as guests. Dick and his wife had checked into the hotel the day before the show was scheduled to open. He and his wife attended the opening ceremony dinner that our group held for all the guests and club members helping out the next day.
That morning, upon getting to the hotel to begin preparations. I was told by the Courtesy Desk that Lindy Ayers was taken ill during the night or early morning, and that Dick was in his room waiting on the ambulance to take her to the hospital. I was told that she was bleeding and that there was no knowledge as to where the blood was coming from. I feared the worst. I called Dick from the lobby as the ambulance attendents were entering the elevator heading to his room. I wished Dick luck with his wife's health and followed his instructions to contact Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sinnott that were also guests at our first show. But beyond all that - I heard it in Dick's voice. The fear that his Lindy was too ill to get better.
This story has a happy ending in it for us all. Lindy Ayers was alright after five hours in the emergency room. Thank goodness, I don't know how I would have felt knowing she might have died while being a guest at our first show. Dick Ayers made it back to the show and we had a great day. Even with the pouring down rain and the sparse attendance. But that's a stor- for another time. I hope you have the opportunity to discover people like Lindy Ayers or Katherine Gruenwald. Roz Kirby was a large part of what kept Jack Kirby ever involved in an industry that continually redefines and invents itself. The good news is that Jack and Roz are together again. What could make tomorrow brighter?
Rick's index