Cid's Worst Nightmare

[Cid's house]

Shera: Captain, your tea is ready.

Cid: Thanks. I am always in a good mood before [turns on tv] the--

T.v: New show, Pokemon!

Cid: @!)(*@!#$!!! Wrong channel! [presses channel 28, nothing changes] What the $(#&%(#&%?

T.V: Now the smelly old Dukes of Hazzard have been canceled.

Cid: [Looks with his chin hanging] [Drops on his knees with his hands on the sides of his head] NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! DEAR GOD NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! [thinks] Shera, get the gun...

Shera: Sorry, Captain. I can't let you go on another killing spree.

Cid: #)(%#(%*#!!!!!

Shera: You can quietly sit and watch Pokemon or I could make you some more tea.

Cid: Watch Pokemon?! (#@*%#%* NO!!

[5 minutes later]

Cid: [looking closely at the t.v] DAMN YOU TEAM ROCKET!! GIVE BACK PIKACHU!! [Throws a beer can at a Jessy and James close up] YOU #%*@#&% #))(#$*()#*$()#$@S!!! DIE!!

[Cloud, Vincent, Barret and Marlene walk in]

Barret: Cid, Marlene was wondering she could watch her favorite show or your t.v.

Cid: %(*#(*%# NO!

Barret: Told you hon. You can't see pokemon since the Dukes of Hazzard is on.

Cid: THAT PIECE OF ($#*(#$!!!! COME HERE! I'M WATCHING MY NEW FAVORITE SHOW! POKEMON!! [All look at Cid strangley]

Cloud: [to everyone but Cid] He's crazy! [To Cid] We're taking you to the [thinks] hotel with the Pokemon padded walls.

Cid: ???

Cloud: You'll get Pikachu's autograph-- [A blur runs by Cloud]

Cid: [from outside] WHAT THE #)($?*$&*#(@$#@)()(#&$ ARE YOU #)@*#)(*$)(#@$* WAITING FOR?! LET'S GO!!!

[Sephiroth's house]

Sephiroth: [watching T.v] POKEMON! GOTTA CATCH EM ALL!!! POKEMON!!

[jenova comes in]

Jenova: Are you watching your favorite show about the boys in the fast car?

Sephiroth: It was cancelled. I'm watching that show that gave all the sezures.

Jenova: Okay have-- SEZURES?! [Grabs Sephiroth by the ear] THAT SHOW WILL HURT YOU!!! Come on! We're going to kill the people on that show!

Sephiroth: But mom! Ash was about to use Bulbasuar to get pikachu back!

Jenova: I don't care! This is worse than the time you we're playing Foozeball behind my back!

Sephiroth: Okay... [Walks off[ [Runs back to the T.V]

Jenova: Get back here!

Sephiroth: Aw... [Walks off]

[The mental hospital-- err place were Cid can get Pikachu's autograph]

Cid: WHERE THE (#$(#*(*#%& IS PIKACHU?!

Cloud: Right in there. [Slams the door behind Cid] Now he's safe in the room with the padded walls.

Cid: WHAT THE (*%)($#)#(*&%)($#)(#&%)(#&%(@)&%##_@($!@*$!(#%@&!@($!)$_+(%+_#%_%+@(%+_#!%!_$( %+_#@)$+@#*%#@_+)_+*_#@~($+#@%)_@*#+@($#*%+(@!!)#@!*$_@($_!##()(@*!#+@!#)(*@$) @($()@&$$*)(@$????!!!!! [Sees a t.v] YES! [Turns on the t.v] YES! POKEMON! [Sees Sephiroth and Jenova sluaghtering all the characters] NNNOOOOO!!!!!

T.V: We interupt this program for the Dukes Of Hazzard since the cast of pokemon is now dead.

Cid: THAT PIECE OF )%*)#(@%*()#@%*)(!!!!

[1 second later]

Cid: YES! Damn, that car is fast!

[Sephiroth's House]

{sephiroth is watching the dukes of hazzard]

Sephiroth: YAY! It's back on!

Jenova: Damn, that car IS fast. [Eats some popcorn]

And they watched the Duke Happily ever after.... at least I think they did.


Thank God Cid's back to normal (for Cid). Head back?