Chapter 3: Izlude Finds His True Love...

The Return to Life

     When the Mindflares were comeing they all set to work. Jessy was shooting arrows at them while Baker was giving potions. Agrias was helping Ramza. The mindflares had a strategy. They used they're confusion attacks. They cuased James to attack anyone that was near him, Agrias was confused, Ramza was the same as James. All that was left was Izlude, Baker and Jessy. One of the Mindflares was ready to use the attack on Jessy but Izlude ran towards it and killed it in one hit. It let out a howl of pain and fell to the ground. Izlude helped Jessy get up.

     "are you okay?" He asked.

     "Yes. Just a little scared."

     "I'll protect you..." Izlude said just as another mind flare attacked him from behind. "GAAHH!!" He shouted. he Turned around and started to attack it with high speed. But the Mind flare was defending itself as fast as Izlude could attack. "Die! Just Die" He shouted as he tried to defend him self. He got past it's defense and his sword went right into is... it fell limp on his sword. He pushed it off and noticed that Baker needed help. "Let's go help Baker." He said to Jessy.

     "Yes." She said running with him. Jessy shot the mindflare with perfect aiming. It fell into Zirekile River. Izlude ran to see if Baker needed help. he was okay. Izlude then say 3 of the Mindflares Agrais, who had regained her senses. Izlude ran to Agrias. "Izlude!" Shouted Baker. "You can get killed! Mindflares tend to gang up on people!"

     "I don't care! Agrias needs help!" He shouted. He ran and killed one of the Mindflares. The other two started towards him. One was going to cast it's mind spell while the other was about to kill Izlude. "You want me? Come and get me!" He then took of running but one of the mindflares tripped him and he fell into the river... "AAHHH!!" He shouted as he was falling then he hit the water, badly wounded. A mindflare jumped in for the kill but Agrias used her Holy Sword Spell, it felt intense pain as the Stastis sword spell ripped trough it's body. It then died. Izlude was barley able to fight. Jessy ran up to him. "Are you okay?"

     "I'll be fine... What about the other Mindflares?" He said slowley.

     "Ramza and James killed the last two, the spell wore off. They're all dead."

     Izlude took a look at her and felt different about her. He wasn't sure what he was feeling. He then knew it... Love. Baker then ran up to Izlude with a greenish potion.

     "Here! I made this new type of potion. The X-potion. It should heal you greatly. More than any normal potion can." Izlude drank the potions and he got up. he felt twice as strong. "Thanks, Baker." he said. They all got they're stuff as the Knight returned with two other Knights.

     "I see we're a little late for the help." said the Knight. He talked with Ramza after a few minutes. The Princess was coming with us to Lionel castle.

Chapter 4: The Meeting With Mustadio

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