Chapter 4

     " Dyne ? we thought you had..."
     Spicer nudged Jade in her side
     " We thought you'd had enough of Jade's snoring " Spicer said quickly      Jade gave Spicer a funny look , and the two sat down beside Dyne when the smell of the burning Choco flesh made Jade gag.
     " Tuck in then , it tastes great " Dyne said whilst ripping the flesh off the birds leg
     " I'm not eating a Chocobo , its inhumane " Jade shouted at Dyne and Spicer
     " Fine go hungry " the two men said simultaneously
     When the meal was ate , the three of them headed due south to a raging river , which must have been a mile wide.
     " We cant get over this! " Jade said with her mouth wide open
     " Where there's a Dyne there's a way " Dyne says while pulling a smug face
     " Were going to have to swim for it " He concluded
     Eventually they reached the other side , by which time they were soaked through to the skin, and exhausted
     " We made it. Told ya. " said Dyne
     They then stripped off most of there clothes and hung them on a bush. Just as they did this , a large craft object speeded its way across the raging river. Dyne saw what was coming across towards them.
     Dyne realised what was going on " Damn its a buggy , and guess who's in it? "
     Spicer enhanced the image with his eye , and noticed 6 people in the seats. Cloud, Barrett , Red , Aeris , the girl that stole his materia and what looked like a Mog
     " Aeris sure does know how to pick 'em " Spicer said as he looked at Dyne
     " It's Barrett and his loony toons ain't it ? "
     Spicer nodded and told them to keep out of view . They grabbed their now dry clothes and ducked down behind a few shrubs in a woodland area.
     Spicer had a thought ' why didn't that girl from Wutai steal their materia? '
     after the buggy had come onto the beach area it headed south until it was out of sight.      Spicer , Jade and Dyne clothed themselves and headed East to the peninsular was , where Spicer had a friend who made weapons as a job. They eventually arrived. Spicer's friend was Forging a Sword outside
     " Hey ! long time no see! " Spicer said as they arrived at the shop
     " Well if it ain't Spicer Strife " The man said smiling
     " Its Spicer Draconus now my friend " Spicer said trying to cover up what the old man had just let slip out. He continued " We were wondering if you could make us some new weapons , we'll need a staff , a launcher and a arm gun."
     " Well lets see what we have out back here " The old man lead the team in and disappeared upstairs.
     " Spicer Strife ? " Jade says inquisitively
     " It's a long story , I'll tell you about it some time.... ah here he is. "
     the man came downstairs holding a Solid Mythril staff with four blades sticking out from the top. he carried a case in the other hand.
     " This is for you lad "
     the man passed the staff to Spicer. He then went on to open the case to reveal a shiny new gun arm .
     " Its a flame thrower , combined with semi automatic rapid fire machine gun , and that's for you sir "
     Dyne , unattached his old arm and places on his new one
     " Wow , it feels so light! " Dyne says feeling dead happy with his new toy
     " And last but not least. For you my dear "
     The man pulls another weapon out of the case . A grenade launcher. it fires a high impact explosive round.
     Spicer lifts up his staff and admires the workmanship
     " You've done a great job , thanks "
     Spicer hands over 10 ,000 Gil as does Jade. Dyne on the other hand hasn't got enough money , so he bargains by getting the guys to sell their old weapons and by selling some of his Molotov spells. They thank the old man and continue their journey by walking west along the Gongaga straights. Just as they get to the area near the destroyed reactor in Gongaga , they are pounced on by 2 Touch me's and a Gagighandi. Dyne goes into a scary rage and screams " agggghhhhhhh "
     Dyne fires his gun and torches the monsters with his flame thrower , whilst continuously screaming his head off. Touch me 1 gets killed , Gagighandi gets killed , and the remaining Touch me does a frog jab to Spicer (luckily missing) before getting fried himself.
     " What happened there? " Jade asks
     Dyne heavy breathing gets lighter,
     " It's okay. I'm fine , god i loved that!"
     It takes them 4 days to get to even Cosmo canyon on foot.
     " If we had Barrett's buggy we'd be at Nibelheim by now " Dyne says slightly breathless.      A few days later , after stocking up on supplies at Cosmo canyon , they arrived at Nibelheim.
     When they entered Nibelheim , they stayed at the hotel there, which cost them 100 Gil. During the night , Spicer was thirsty so he went downstairs to get a glass of water. He was startled to see a character in a black cape fidgeting in the corner.
     " Nikki? can it be? is it you? "
     The character moved forward and started saying the strangest of things ,
     " Sephiroth ..... can you hear him? ......... Reunion ......... i hear you "
     Spicer left the room feeling angry that it wasn't his sister. It had taken around 10 days to get to Nibelheim, if Nikki was here , she'd be long gone by now. Spicer went back upstairs to and got in bed , but he couldn't sleep. The next morning , Spicer , Jade and Dyne got up and readied themselves for what looked like was going to be a long day.
     " So how longs your sister been gone anyhow? " Dyne said as he was fixing his gun arm on.
     " It's been well over a year now " Spicer said looking at the floor
     " So why start looking for her now ? " Dyne says looking puzzled
     " She usually visits me a few times a year , usually when there's been a sticky patch , you know , when the pickings are slim in the dragon field. But she hasn't been for ages. I'm her big brother , i should have stuck with her. "
     jade puts her arm around Spicer " Don't blame yourself , Aeris probably misses her as well "
     Spicer shrugs " She's got a weird way of showing it. She could have come to her aid , like us. "
     When they had stopped talking , they went downstairs and out into the open
     " mmm ! " Spicer said " i can smell that Mako reactor up there in the mountains "
     Jade and Dyne look at each other as if to say what a strange man.
     " Well come on then. I'm never going to find myself sitting on my aŁ@ all day am i." Dyne says looking for a fight.
     After stopping off at the store for a few more supplies , they started to head up towards the mountains. They passed the Nibel mansion and as soon as they get on the Mt Nibel trail they are jumped on by two sonic speeds. The first of them fires a series of purple rays directly at Spicer. The rays stun Spicer and makes him drop his staff. Jade fires a rocket at one of them which knocks it back , but does not kill it. Spicer unleashes a deathblow on the injured Sonic speed , slicing it in half, killing it instantly. The remaining Sonic speed , flies forward and pecks at Jade's eyes , injuring her. jade strikes back , by casting the enemy skill ' trine ' on the beast , making it screech. Spicer slashes at the bird making it fall to the floor in a bloody heap. When the battle was over , they brushed themselves down and continued their quest.
     " Now we've gotta find Nikki. She must be here somewhere "
     Jade agreed.
     Dyne heard a noise and told the others to shut up.
     " Its gettin' closer " Dyne whispers
     Just then a huge monster with green glowing eyes zooms over the top of them so fast it took their breath away. The noise was deafening.
     " What in the name of F...... " Spicer stared in amazement
     In only a few short seconds it was over , leaving the three of them standing there in awe.      Jade panicked " We've got to get out of here , what if it comes back?"
     Dyne fired a few shots of his gun " Ill kick its ass "
     " Jades right, if it comes back , we ain't gonna win if we get attacked by that "
     So They followed the trail of twisty roads until they reached a creaky old rope bridge. Upon crossing the bridge , they found themselves in a huge complex of pipes , which obviously lead to a Mako reactor somewhere. Spicer helped Jade climb down the ladders on to the ground floor. They hardly even had to time to turn around when a ear deafening noise was heard directly behind them. The three of them slowly turned around only to be confronted by a huge dragon. Spicer' eyes lit up. " This ones mine! step back " he said      Jade does as he says and hides behind a rock as does Dyne. Spicer gets the first hit , by slicing the dragon with his Mythril staff .. The dragon retaliates by breathing in and then unleashing a jet of flames at Spicer. Spicer puts up his shield as to take the brunt of the heat. Spicer used ice 3 on the dragon which made it yelp like a little puppy . Spicer smiled , he was enjoying this. The dragon jumped at Spicer and whacked him with its clawed talons . Spicer fell to the floor , but soon got back up. Spicer uses Bio level 2 on the Dragon which poisons it . The beast then lets a second wave of fire head towards Spicer . Without even thinking Spicer leaps forward , raises his staff and plunges it deep into the dragons head. The dragon slumps to the floor without a sound. Spicer takes the teeth and puts them in his bag.
     " These teeth should make a large price back at Midgar " he says
     They head out of the cave and out into the open.
     Jade looks around " Ah. We're getting into my territory now follow me i know the way."
     Two days later , after following a mountain range , they arrived at rocket town.
     " You were trying to get that rust bucket to fly ??!!! hahaha " Spicer laughed
     " Hey , i don't disrespect your job , anyway i quit " Jade replied
     Jade looks at Spicer and Dyne and says " Look I've got to go see my grandmother , have a look around , check out the rocket and stuff "
     " I ain't got time to sight see , I'm looking for Nikki "
     Jade runs off to a little house on the outskirts of Rocket town . Spicer looks around asking people if they have seen a girl that fits Nikki's description while Dyne goes off for some supplies . When he comes to an old man standing outside a house.
     " Want to look at the rocket with me? " He says
     " Listen old man , have you seen a girl about 5ft 6 , black hair, brown eyes?
     " Oh your talking about Tifa ? "
     " No not her... wouldn't mind though... err i mean NO her name is Nikki "
     " Ah yes the infamous Nikki. She kept on bugging people to buy her dragon teeth "
     " Yes that's her where is she ? " Spicer said getting all excited.
     " Well she was here about two weeks ago , erm .. she went all strange and started talking about a reunion of some sort , also a mans name cropped up erm .. what was it now .. Sephiroth . That's right . " the old man mumbled
     " Sephiroth? Reunion ? that's what that spook went on about , this is getting stranger and stranger .. thanks old man "
     jade rejoined him a few minutes later.
     " grandmother wants you to come in for dinner " Jade says
     They spent the night but Spicer still could not get his mind off what was happening , Nikki and that spook , all had the same symptoms , what could they mean reunion? Sephiroth was that guy with the huge sword that killed the Midgar Zolom back at the swamp, but why would they want a reunion with him ?.
     Jade got up first and poked Spicer with her finger.
     " Hey get up , you gotta come and see this! people are scared to death of it , hurry "
     Jade dragged Jade to the window. Spicer rubbed his eyes and noticed there was a strange glow outside. Spicer looked up and his jaw dropped
     " What the FU@% ! " Spicer stared at the monstrosity high up in the sky , hanging there like the moon only 50 times bigger. "
     " They say that Sephiroth did it , made the meteor come i mean." Jade says panicking
     Spicer looked into the street and notices people running around screaming , children crying and people that have fainted laying in the road. Even Dyne was speechless. So they all run into the street to get a better view. Some guy comes running up to Spicer and says
     " Some huge creature has attacked Junon! but they blew its head off so its okay now."
     Jade shakes her head " This is unbelievable how can this be happening? when that thing smashes into our planet , its life stream soup for the lot of us."

Chapter 5
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