by Shirlz

Disclaimer: Not mine nor never will be (shame!)

Rating: PG

Spoilers: This is my world but to be safe let's say the whole of BtVS 1-3

Thanx: DB/SMG -- we have to believe, it's what keeps us sane

Part Two

I sat bold upright in bed. I found myself close to hyperventilating, which was strange in itself, as breathing to me was purely cosmetic.


A delicate hand touched my shoulder. I jumped.

"Angel? What's wrong?"

I realized it was her. Buffy. My beloved. I began to calm.

"What happened Angel?"

"You left me. You told me that you were no good for me and you left me. You didn't love me."

"Hush Baby hush. I'm not leaving you. I'm not going anywhere."

"It seemed so real..."

...I took him into my arms and held him close. This was the third time in a week that Angel had had a nightmare like this. Before he'd been able to fight his dreams. Usually I was the one who did the falling apart and he would hold me. Now the situation was reversed and it scared me. Angel was hurt and afraid. This was so unlike him.

I felt him relax against me but I didn't relinquish my hold on him. Something was very wrong here. I needed to talk to Giles.

Part Three

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