Mean Street (intro) ©1981 Edward Van Halen Transcription by Mog (Christopher Volkstorf Not to sound egotistical, but i have seen this written SO MANY TIMES wrong, even in the guitar mags, that i decided to make the world a better place by making all the "Ed-heads" happy. This is REALLY how it goes. If you don't agree, check out the famous US Festival video bootleg. Have fun! I taught guitar for over six years and at one time or another was asked to teach almost every VH tune, and since Ed was always my favorite, i had already learned'em anyway! lemme know if you have any requests. (I used the font "Courier" when I typed this out (on a Mac), so it will look correct with that font) Here is a "key" of sorts: * a fret number with * above it is a tap harmonic (example: 12(5) means hold the 5th fret and tap the 12th. the 12s at the beginning are open strings) h = hammer on p = pull off t = tap w/ right hand1st finger X = muted "thump" w/ left hand 2nd and 3rd fimgers T= thumb (funk/slap) s = slide vib = vibrato Play this section 5 or 6 times (the fade-in) t T t T T t T t T T -12---------------12------------------12-------------12-------------- -12---------------12------------------12----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------X--12--X-------X--12--12--X---------X--12--X--------12--12---- Now to the insane tap-harmonic fest! Keep in mind that all of the 5th fret notes are hammered with the left hand index finger-smack'em real hard! Again, check out the US Festival video if you can. h h h p h --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------*-----------*-------------------------------- -----------*-----*-------12(0)--5-----12(5)--0--*------------------------ --*-------12(0)-12(0)--5-----------------------12(0)--5---*-----*------*- -12(0)--5------------------------------------------------12(0)-12(0)---12(0) h h h h p h ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------*---------*----------*-------------*-----*- ------------*----*-----------12(0)--5---12(5)--9---14(9)--5--7---12(7)-11(7) --*--------12(0)-12(0)--5------------------------------------------------ -12(0)--5----------------------------------------------------------------- Play the above section three times. The third time through, however, continue the tap harmonics as follows: p h (vib) ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ --*------*-------*------------------------------------------------ -10(7)--11(7)---12(7)---0-------*------*-------*------*------*----- ---------------------------7--10(7)--11(7)---12(7)---12(7)--14(7)-- ------------------------------------------------------------------ For the final phrase, angle your right-hand index finger parallel to the frets, and tap across all three strings (B, G,and D strings). Use your left hand ring finger for the 9th fret, and slide to the 7th. Use the first finger for the 5th fret notes. This part is easier than it looks. Try to keep this rhythm in mind: pull-off, tap, hammer, tap, pull-off, tap, hammer, tap (etc) s p h p h ---*-----------*-----------*---------*----------*---------*---- --21(9)----7--19(7)---5--17(5)---7--19(7)---5--17(5)---7--19(7)-- --21(9)----7--19(7)---5--17(5)---7--19(7)---5--17(5)---7--19(7)-- --21(9)----7--19(7)---5--17(5)---7--19(7)---5--17(5)---7--19(7)-- --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- p h p h p (feedback, wang bar dives) ------*----------*--------*---------------*---------------------- --5--17(5)---7--19(7)----17(5)---7---5---(16)4-------------------- --5--17(5)---7--19(7)----17(5)---7---5---(16)4-------------------- --5--17(5)---7--19(7)----17(5)---7---5---(16)4-------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- So there you have it- the coolest thing Ed ever came up with, i think! moggio (christopher volkstorf) upsidedown L oh backwards E s oh z oh i oh B