Parting the crimson velvet curtain, you enter a dark candle lit room, the radiance from the candles casting an eerie orange glow, shadows dancing across the wall, like evil marionettes. The slick black floor, looks like it was almost made of obsidian, the room is empty, except for a black wooden desk, and a man sitting in a high backed chair. You can see his eyes, flecked with the light of the candles, his dark brown hair reaching his shoulders. He is dressed in a black leather vest, and a crimson button up shirt. He smiles, his white teeth clashing with the darkness of the room. Despite the dark room and his appearance his smiles is warming. He stands and walks towards you, his boots making an odd clicking on the hard floor, he stands before you, and bows gently, his arm cast out to the side. "Welcome, *evil grin* you have stumbled into my realm, and I'm sure you will enjoy your self. Please explore my realm fully, *he leads you to a large marble arch, two wooden doors are set in the wall* here you can enter my study and read some of my literature or you can go into this door, and see the strange world within, I call it my Violence Realm. *he then points to a door at the end of the hallway* enter there if you would like to visit the other realms I feel obliged to mention. Each part of my realm is as interesting as the next, but remember it is constantly changing, so please come back and check with me again. Oh and don't leave without signing my guestbook. *He points to a tome, resting on a black marbled stand* Please enjoy your stay...."

And if your wondering who I am, that would be me(Kiaphas)go here.
Or, you can read some of my thoughts that I found significant enought to write down...

Other realms of intrest
One of my hobies, (it's worth checking out)
Literature Realm
The Violence Realm
My Journal

My sisters wonderfull world of art!!

I would swim across oceans
Just to talk with you
I would climb a tall mountain
Just to look at you
I'd give my sould to the devil
If you asked me to
I would walk out of heaven
Just to be with you
(Gary Numan)

Worship the dead
The damned and misled
Tortured and bled
Like the voices of reason
Sacred and pure
Sanctified obsession
Holy and cured
Like a doorway to heaven

Sisterhood cried
Innocence lied
Purity died
With the angels of passion
Blessed are they
Who pay homage to reason
I've the seen the light
Shine on the grave of man
(Gary Numan)

Allright, I give special thanks to Bodie, for the neat breaker bars, and I give thanks to all of those who have come to my homepage, please come again.

I have corrupted this many minds,, almost as impressive as my head list..
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