Absalom of the HighLords   [had Virus, killed by Selene]
   ===Immortal; 'Wooden' spikes grow from his body.
Agee, Rebecca, brother is Dr Aubrey Agee's  [died from DNA Disbonding]
   ===Vastly Misshapen Body;
   NOTE:(not) cured of being a mutant by brother; 
Aguila/ "The Eagle"
   ===Electrical powers projected through metal objects
Airhead of Trash
   ===Flight {Head inflates}
   ===Transmutes any matter (animate/inanimate) into any single element
Alpha the Ultimate Mutant, last seen on Strangers World
   ===Powerful TK, Telepathy, De-Aging; creates Force Fields; Reality 
   Manipulation; Strong; he can Fly; projects Energy Blast
   ===travels throughout times as an angel of mercy absorbing (or 
   copies) mutants powers and memories into herself when they are near 
   death, she has absorbed numerous mutants, including Changeling, and 
   future versions of Cyclops and Beast.
Amanda, friend of Daredevil
Aminedi of Desert Sword    [Died of the Virus]
   ===Super speed; Skeletal face.
Ampere of Circle of Pavane,  father Pavane, siblings Little Wanda and
   ===Electrical powers
Angel IV of Xavier Institute
   ===Fly-like wings; Lays eggs which mature in five days. 
Annalee of the Morlocks (Drain Dwellers), along with her 4 Mutant Kids
   [Killed by Marauders]
   ===Uncontrollable projecting empath
Annmarie Cortez of the Acolytes, sister of Fabian   [Unknown, turned 
   into statue by Chrome]
Anteus of the Neo  
   ===Big, Strong and Fast
Ape of the Morlocks (Drain Dwellers)    [Maybe Killed by Marauders]
   ===Shape changes into any object he could image
Apocalyse an External, sponsor of the Alliance of Evil, Horsemen; 
   former Sandstormer; 
   ===Immortal, Mutable body/ Metamorph/ Growth, Energy Blasts;
   He can absorb energy to add to his own power; 
Archangel/Angel of the X-Men, formerly of the Champions, X-Factor I;
   Also known as Death I of the Horsemen of Apocalyse
   ===Flight {Natural wings lost, replaced, and then regrown}; 
   hollow bones, specially adapted eyes...
   % had Razor sharp techno-organic wings that release neuro-toxic  
   blades; used Apocalyse energy to restore War I;
ArcLight of the Marauders   [Killed a few times, Killed by the 
   Abomination; Killed by Riptide (controlled by X-Man), Clone]
   ===Strong; Tough Hide; Seismic attack when she hits the ground.
Armageddon Man
   ===Causes earthquakes, tornadoes, blizzards, tidal waves; has green
Artie of Generation X, formerly with X-Terminators
   ===Projects holograms of his or others' thoughts; Precognition; Can 
   Mindlink to read someone thoughts, or paralyze them; 
Ash Can, Kid in Custody of SHIELD
   ===Incineration rays with touch
Ashley Marten
   ===mutant kid found by a Sentinel
Asp of BAD Girls, former Serpent Society
   ===Paralyzing or lethal "venom blast"; needs to dance to generate 
Astra formerly of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants I
   ===Teleports through Time and Space/ "Jaunt Rip"
Asylum II, also known as Void and Darkling of Psionix
   ===Darkforce; Control Others (Covered in Darkforce); Create Darkness    
   Weapons; Flight; Teleportation;    
   % Powers triggered by Drugs; 
Auric formerly Gamma Flight II, China Force; Sister Silver;    
   [Dissected by Sphinx I] but see "Unnamed" section
   ===Flight; project golden heat beams from his eyes.
Aurora of Alpha Flight; formerly of the Brotherhood; Twin Brother 
   ===Sublight flight, light projection (maybe temporary), powers 
   either nullified or enhanced with contact with brother; Hyper Speed,  
   channels Kinetic Energy, can run up walls, run on water; has 
   Pointy Ears, once thought to be a half-elf; 
   %Powers altered by experiment; now has Concussive Blast; Multiple   
   personality, not all use the powers;
Autopsy     [Undead, Dead]
   ===Can raise the dead and control them like zombies {after she 
   herself died}
Avia of the Nhu-Gari
   ===Possesses Feathered wings of a bat-winged race;
Avain of Alpha Prime
   ===Flight; Claws; Looks are a humanoid Pterodactyl
Avalanche of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants III, formerly Freedom 
   ===Arms project waves of force to move earth/water/stone....
Axe I of the Brothers, formerly of the Gladiators
Bandera (d) [Killed by Supers killer Zeitgeist I/ Everyman]
   ===Leadership, can rally people; Concussive force thru wooden staff; 
   needs people inspiration for power, focused thru wood;
Banjo, Brother Bugeye
   ===Ugly and Strong (mentally handicapped)
Banshee of Generation X, formerly the X-Men, Factor Three and Interpol;   
   Cousin Black Tom, Daughter Siryn
   ===Sonic Blast; Flight (needs Sonic powers); Hypnotic Voice; 
Barbican of the Neo
   ===Can reshape a building, ie close windows and doors by merging the 
   building closed.
Barnacle of the Acolytes
   ===cover in a carapace shell; can solidify moisture into a carapace
   shell on others (including those phased); 
Bash, cousin to Cooter
Beak of the Xavier Institute 
   ===Bird-Like mutant with a large beak on a bird-like head and is 
   covered in feathers, with claw-like hands and feet
Beast of the X-Men, formerly of the Avengers and Defenders
   ===Strong; Agile; Blue-Grey Fur covers body; Ape-Like Built; Fangs;    
   Prehensile Feet; Female Attracting Pheromones; Super Leap;
   %Altered by himself; Altered by Pestilence; Altered by Infectia; 
Beautiful Dreamer of the Morlocks            (md)
   ===Telepath, Focus thru Smoke; can alter memories;
Bedlam the Brain Blast of the Derangers      [Killed by Vindicator II]
   ===Telepath; Control Minds; Mind Blast; Telekinetic; can Trigger 
   Latent Mutant Powers; Purple Scaly Skin and Large Head; 
   %Altered by James Hudson (Vindicator II)
Bedlam, Jesse with X-Force, formerly in M.U.S.E.; brother King Bedlam
   ===Psionically Monkey Wrenches Machinery; has a Bio-Electric Field
   that disrupts Electric and Mechanical Devices;
   %imprinted with Martial Arts skill of Madripoor Street Fighter;
   %Needs electro-neural inhibitors or will go insane;
Beef of the Hellions        [Killed by Fitzroy]
Belladonna of the Assassins Guild
   ===Energy Blasts
Benazir Kaur with Shinobi
   ===Increases Disease
Benedict Kine with Shinobi
   === Disrupts nervous system
Berzerker of the Morlock (Tunnelers)    [Discharged in Water, dead?]
   ===Absorb and Release all forms of Electro-Magnetic Energys; 
Bette of the X-Ranch           [Killed by the Church of Humanity]
   ===Telepathic Sex
Bevatron of the Hellions    [Life Force absorbed by Fitzroy]
   ===ultrahigh-voltage electrical projection and absorption
Big Berta of the Lightning Rods/ Great Lakes Avengers
   ===Can expand body to huge proportions; Can construct people within 
   folds of flesh; Strong; Super Leap; Soft Body can Absorb damage; 
Big Top of the Lost Boys and Girls
   ===Can increase Size of Teddy Bear and Control it.
Billy Briggs
   ===Disintegration; Hands release explosive energy; 
Birdy, assistant to Sabretooth   [Killed by Tribute]
Black Bishop of the Hellfire Club (Inner Circle); formerly with the 
   X-Humed  [Heart attack while using powers on Nimrod]  Shinobi may be 
   his son 
   ===increases weight, density of objects and people
   %Returned briefly as Undead by Black Talon
Black Cat  
   ===Uncontrollable 'Bad' Luck powers, affects others;
   % Increased by Kingpin; Powers removed by Dr Strange; now has other 
   altered powers, such as Increased Agility, Claws and Infravision; 
   those power lost because of Chameleon
Black Crane
   ==="Sees" things, may not be a mutant but a mystic
Black King in the Inner Circle of Hellfire Club of London      
           [Killed by Black Queen]
Black Queen in the Inner Circle of Hellfire Club of London
   ===Psi Skinning, slice layers of mind; Paralysis; Psi Chains "Grab" 
Black Tom Cassidy,  Partners with Juggernaut;  Cousin of the Banshee, 
   Uncle of Siryn; 
   ===Kinetic Force Bolt and Heat Blast focused thru wood
   % had Damage regenerated thru wood, now parts of body are covered in 
   wood; Elongate Wooden parts of body; 
Black Shadow/ White Shadow     [Killed by Wolverine]
   ===Freezing Cold within either shadow; Split personalities in battle 
   in shadow forms, real body too fat to move; 
   ===can bind the strongests Wills to his
   note: Absorbed a deadly biological toxin and his touch his now 
Blake, Tammy and Shiela with the Lost Boys and Girls
Blasting Cap of Trash
   ===causes explosions around him
Blind Faith, formerly Holy Ghost of the Exiles,  formerly Russian 
   ===Telepath; Hypnosis; Illusions; 
BlindSide I of the Brood Boys  (d)
   % Made into a Member of the Brood
Blink of Generation X   [Disappeared into a Portal]
   ===makes teleportation portals
Bliss of the Morlocks (Masques Gangsters)   (mld)
   ===Paralysis, from bite from head within it Tongue;
   % Altered by Masque to look like Storm
Blob of the Brotherhood of Mutants, formerly with Onslaught, partners
   with Unus, Brotherhood of Evil Mutants I & III, IV;
   ===Strong, Tough (Fat body resists injury), Can hold victim in folds  
   of Fat; Roots to the Earth by Increasing Gravity
   % further mutated by Onslaught; now Stronger and Larger;  Mass 
   Shifting, ie Stretching; 
BlockBuster of the Marauders   [Killed a few times, Killed by Havok; 
   Killed by ArcLight (who was tricked by X-Man), Clone]
   ===Big, Strong, Tough;
BloodLust of the Femme Fatals
   ===Claw-like Nails; Regeneration; Speed and Agility; Yellow Skin and 
   Red Eyes; 
BloodStrike of the Folding Circle
   ===Tough; Strong; 
Blow-Hard of the Morlocks (Tunnelers)   [killed by Marauders]
   ===Creates Wind Attacks and Dust Storms thru Pipe; 
Bodine, Larry, Teen Friend of ShadowCat  [Committed Suicide]
   ===created luminous holograms, permanent until touched
Bolt of the New Warriors, ally of Maverick   (has Virus)
   ===Electrical based powers;
Boost formerly of Gene Nation
   ===Living Battery Cell; Merges with Others to Boost their powers;
Bora of the Avant-Guade
   ===Opens a Warp to control winds and freezing temperatures
Bouncer of the Morlocks (Masques Gangsters) (mld)
   ===Teleports Others
Brain Cell of the Morlocks (md) 
  (NOTE: may have become REVERB of the Gene Nation (d)
   ===Telepath; Project Empath; 
le Branche, Bernard of the Thieves Guild  (Killed by Assassins Guild)
Brawler of Circle of Pavane, father Pavane, siblings Ampere and   
   Little Wanda
   ===Strong; Tough;
Breakdown of the Derangers    [Body disrupted by Bedlam]
   ===Can explode body and then reconstructs self; 
   ===Blue Skin with Multi-Colored Patches
Brickbat of the Brood Boys  (d)
   ===Touch, No Knockback; Strong;  
   % Made into a Member of the Brood
Briquette of Hells Belles
   ===Stone Body; Strong; Skin Volcanic Hot; 
Browning, member of a mutant circus   [Killed by the Sentinel he fixed]
   ===Can fix machines, an affinite with machines.
Brute I of Trash
   ===Strong; Tough;
Brute III of the Morlocks, brother Hump (Masques Gangsters)(mld)
   ===Strong; Tough; Green Skin; 
Bugeye, Brother Banjo
   ===Telepath; Brain Blast; Large Eyes; 
Bulk, partners with Glow Worm, Morlock  [Died when High Evolutionary 
   took away his powers]
   ===Tough; Strong; Invulnerable to radiation but now is Radioactive;
Bulwark with Emplate
   ===Strong; Large Size; 
Burke of the HighLords   [Killed by the Virus]
Burst/ #28 of the Acolytes       [Killed by Lord Gator of the Knights 
   of Wundagore]
Cable of Clan Chosen, formerly of Genesis Troop, Wild Pack II,  
   Six Pack, X-Factor; mentor to New Mutants; Parents are Cyclops and
   Madelyne Pryor(Goblin Queen), Alternate sister Phoenix III, 
   Uncle Havok, Grandfather Corsair, Wife Jenskot/ Aliya; Adopted Son 
   Tyler/ Tolliver;
   ===Telekinetic and telepathy, control of techno-organic devices 
   (such as his Arm)
   %Infected by techno-organic virus by Apocalyse
   ===Purple Skin; sucks life force thru needles; can control those he 
   siphons; becomes bloated when full of life force; 
   %Wears bionic exoskeleton to walk and harness life-force; 
Calhoun, Licorice(in custody of SHIELD)
   ===Reality Manipulation; When in coma, drew people back to the 
   1930's he remembers
Caliban/ Pestilance II of the Horsemen of Apocalyse; formerly of 
   Morlocks, X-Factor I, Horsemen of Apocalyse as Death II; X-Force 
   ===Mutant Tracker; Strength empowered by fear; Regeneration; Chalk 
   White Skin; 
   %Modified by Apocalyse to be Strong permentantly; increased speed 
   and enhanced leaping ability; Modified again to "plague" the mind,
   distorts thought with a tough;
   ===Sees all current and near future events; 
Callisto of the Morlocks/ X-Men Ally   
   ===Heightened Senses; Night Vision; 
Candral of the HighLords
   ===Activates latent mutant powers; Teleporter; Absorb life force; 
Cannonball of X-Force; formerly of the X-Men, New Mutants; 
   Brother of Husk
   ===Flight thru a biochemical reaction that also gives him 
   invulnerability while flying; Immortal; Force Field;
Captain Britain/ Britannic of Excalibur; formerly the Black Bishop of 
   the English Hellfire Club; siblings Psylocke and Jamie; wife Meggan
   ===Tough, Strong, Flight; Loses power outside of England (mystical 
   origin, may not be true mutant)
   %Wears magic suit to enhance powers;
   Note: lost powers in battle with Crimson Dawn
Frenzy, formerly of Alliance of Evil, the X-Men; formerly Cargill of the Acolytes
   ===Strong; Tough; Resist Fire and Cold; 
Carnovore the Chalker family     [Run over by Mack Truck]
   ===Looks like a humanoid Dinosaur; 
   %Made undead by Charon, destroyed by Madrox who Dupped inside of him
Carrenna, Gretchen   [Killed by Bushwacker]
   ===Artist Mutant ability to Sculpt; 
Castorp, Adrian of M.O.N.S.T.E.R.   {Mutants Only Need Sensitivity, 
   Tolerance, and Equal Rights}
   ===Infrared vision, six-fingered hands, nerve-disorder
Catalyst formerly with Hydra     [Killed by Mystique]
   ===Transmutes any matter (animate/inanimate) into any single element
Catseye of the Hellions  [Killed by Fitzroy]
   ===Enhanced Senses; WereCat; Prehensile Tail, Purple Hair/Fur and 
   Cats Eye in Humanoid and Feliod forms; Claws (can climb up walls and 
    along ceilings)
Chamber of the X-Men, former of Generation X
   ===Telepath; Filled with Psionic Energy; Psi Blast;
   %Lower face and chest blown out by use of powers;
Chance II of the Fallen Angels
   ===Uncontrollable; Nullifies or Amplifies Mutant Powers; 
Changeling, Honorary X-Men; formerly of the X-Humed, Factor Three; 
  (ud/ d)
   ===Shapechanger; latent telekinetic activated by Prof X;
   %reanimated by Black Talon; 
Chantel, Lourdes of the Hellfire Club  (lover of the Black King)     
   [Killed by Sentinel]
Charlotte Jones of the NYPD
   ===Latent; maybe to grew bat-like wings and claws; 
Charm II of Gene Nation
   ===Brown Skin; Red Eyes;
Chase, Trevor; ward of Mystique
   ===Alter Transpatial Realities 
Chicken Wings of the Morlocks              [Killed by Sabretooth]
   ===Looks like a humanoid chicken, lost left wing in Morlock attack
Chief Autheir, cop near GenX school
   ===has the "Sight", telepath?
Chrome of the Acolytes  [died in crash of Asteriod M]
   ===Covers people in metallic material, Transitory Statue State
Clarity, ally of the Dark Sisterhood; sister Finality
   ===can remember everything as well as filter information from all types of 
   media simultaneously; Immortal
Claudette, formerly of Generation X as Penance and as M (while merged 
   with twin); Brother Emplate; Sister M; twin sister Nicole;
   ===Was able to merge with twin sister to become M, and to switch 
   places with M/Penance later; Can create teleportation circles by 
   drawing them; Had at one time all the abilities of M, and later of 
   note: she is Autistic;
Ciscernos, Selena of Almost Reno        [unstable mutation killed her]
   ===changes into an orange skinned beast with claws;
   %also has Deviant genes;
Cleric of Hull House   (d)
Cloak of Cloak and Dagger
   ===suppose to have Dagger's Powers
   %altered by D'Spraye, now has body of Dark Force; can teleport self 
   and others; needs Daggers light to stop "Withdrawal"; 
Colben of Black Ops
Collective Man {1/2/3/4/5} 5 Brothers form the Collective Man  also 
   "May" be in 3Peace
   ===Quintuplet that can merge into a single being; Strong (merged);  
   Copy any skill of any Chinese citizen; Telepathic between selves; 
   %the 3Peace the "Collective Man" split into 8 people not 5
Collins of the Acolytes, formerly of New Mutants, X-Terminators, 
   Mutant Liberation Front  [Desolved by Holocaust]
   ===Fire Projection; Protective Aura of Fire; Immune to Fire; 
Colossus of Excalibur; formerly an Acolyte, a X-Man; Sister Illyana,      
   Brother Mikhail; son Peter (by Nereel) (Died stopping the Legacy Virus)
   ===Transforms; Body of Organic Metal; Strong; Tough; Doesn't Breathe;
Commando/ Crimson Commando in the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants III, 
   formerly of Freedom Five
   ===Enhanced Senses; Psi Shield; 
   %Cyborg; Damaged by Desert Sword; Bionic Legs; Right Arm; Left Eye;
Concussion formerly of the Russian Underground
   ===Releases Concussive Force for hands [which were destroyed by 
   ===Winged Flight
   %Turned in a real Condor by the Stranger; returned to semi-normal by 
   Bird Brain, now has Claws; 
   ===Absorb Strength thru the Ground; Control Plants; Can Merge and 
   Control Earth; Growth (with Body of Earth);  
Cooter, cousin of Bash
   ===compels Greed, unimaginative & innocent people are immune
Copycat, once part of X-Factor as Domino;
   ===Metamorph; can also absorbs powers; takes a long time to change; 
   Blue Skin; White Hair and Red-Black Eyes; 
Cowboy of the Thunderiders/ Team America
   ===Empathic with other Thunderiders; Projecting Gestalt to create  
   the Dark Rider
Crag of Alpha Prime
   ===Rock Like Skin; Strong; 
Crawler of the Asian Underground
   ===Adheres to walls; 
Crazy Legs of Trash
   ===Elongation of Over-Sized Legs
Critical Mass of the Critical Gang
   ===Energy Bolts; 
Crucible of the Resistants, Formerly Burner of the Brotherhood of Evil 
   Mutants II, and Mutant Force
   ===Immune to Fire; Projects and Controls Fire; 
Cybele of the Morlocks [Killed in Mutant Massacre]
   ===Exudes Corrosive Liquid from her Skin; Immune to effects of acid;
Cyber  [Killed by Dark Riders for Adamantium Skin]
   ===Telepathic (senses people); Detect Individual Brain Patterns; 
   Regeneration; Tracks Mutants by Brainwaves;
   %Had skin replace with Adamantium; Nails have poison reservoirs 
   (Hallucinogens); Cyborg left eye (removed by Wolvie);
Cyclops of the X-Men, former with X-Factor I; also known as Eric the 
   Red I;  Brother Havok, Father Corsair, X-Wife the Goblin Queen; Son 
   Cable by the Goblin Queen; Wife is Phoenix IV;
   ===Powerful Optic Blast; Powered by Solar Energy;
   %because of brain damage he can't control it;
   %Possessed by Apocalyse??
Cypher of the New Mutants   [Killed by Animator]
   ===Linguistics: Human, Alien, Computer, Spoke, Written.
   NOTE: Some of his memories are in Douglocke of Excalibur
D'Gard, Leader of Gene Nation
   ===Empath with Metal Forehead; Large Feet, Hands, and Nose; 
Dagger of Cloak and Dagger
   ===was suppose to have Cloak's Powers
   %altered by D'Spraye, Generates Life-force Daggers, can cleanse body 
   or cause mental trauma; Create shield of light; Light Flash; 
   Lightning Reflexes; Needs to release life-force go get "High"
Darkstar of the Winter Guard, formerly of Soviet Super Soldiers, 
   Champions, Exiles;  brother Vanguard, father Presence
   ===Darkforce; Flight; Blast; Teleportation; can create solid objects 
   of Darkforce;
Dazzler,  Formerly of the X-Men and the Gladiators; Mate Longshot, son 
   Shatterstar?, Half-Sister Lois London
   ===Converts sound into light; Laser blasts; Holograms; Hypnotism; 
   limited flight using Phonton Blasts; Force Fields of Light;
Deadbolt with Dark Riders  [Decapitated by Wolverine]
   ===Black Skeleton surrounded by Blue Energy; Throws Bones; 
DeadRinger former partner of Super Patriot II
   ===Metamorph, including powers and gadgets; needs a piece of dead 
Decay of the Acolytes     (Explosed absorbing the God-like High 
   ===Absorbs life force; ages without it;
Deluge                       (over loaded power and explosed)
   ===Controlled the weather
Denham, member of a mutant circus     [Killed by a Sentinel]
   ===Augmented persuasive ability
Destiny of Freedom Force, formerly of the Brotherhood of Evil 
   Mutants III  (d)
   ===Precog; compensated for blinded by using powers; 
Diamond Lil formerly of Alpha Flight, Gamma Flight II, Omega Flight;     
   Husband Box IV 
   ===Diamond Hard body; can even use hair as a weapon; very little 
   tactile sensation
   NOTE: new Beta Flight removed something from her body
Dinah Soar of the Lightning Rods/ Great Lakes Avengers
   ===Looks like a humanoid pterodactyl; Sonic screech as attack and 
   for hypnosis
Disciplinarian of the Kingpin Organization
   ===Creates slow motion temporal field, is immune to effect;
Dive Bomber of the Brood Boys (d)
   ===Winged Flight; insect-like wings; 
   % Made into a Member of the Brood
Doctor Denton
   ===Genius level intelligence; Inventor;
Doctor GoodWrench
   ===can mentally control all machines; including cars and trucks
Dog of the Kingpin Organization (Hong Kong), formerly of China Force
   ===Bite; Claws; Dog Face; 
Domina of the Neo; husband was Jaeger I
   ===white skin with red face markings and purple hair; Has the 
   Abilities of all the Neo in her Warband (a Personal Gestalt), 
   as well as the abilities of those she kills.
Domino II of X-Force, formerly of Six Pack;
   ===Luck; things fall into place; chalk white skin; Increased
   Reaction and Reflexes;
Don the Lobster of the Fallen Angels   [Stepped upon by Devil Dinosaur]
   ===Blue Skinned Lobster
   %also made into a Cyborg by Gomi 
   ===Copies the powers of those he touches and increases the power;
   %personally killed 100s of mutants in Russia 
Double Trouble of Weapon Prime (twin sisters)
   ===Flight; Project plasma blasts; Stronger when near each other;
Dragon Lord
   ===physically blind, but can Sees Mentally
Dragoness of the Mutant Liberation Front  
   ===Reptilian Wings for Flight (may be mechical); Flame Blasts; 
Ebon with Emplate
   ===Green Energy Blaster;
Eel III (Atlantian) of SURF
   ===Thin Body; Stretch Body; 
Elysia of the Neo; brother Tartarus
   ===Manifests your greatess desire
Empath former Hellion
   ===Emotion Sensing and Manipulation; 
Emplate, sisters are M, Claudette and Nicole
   ===Mutant Life-force Vampire, and can transfer this ability to 
   others; can absorb mutant powers;  Detect Mutants and Identify 
   Powers;  Mouths on Palms that absorb life force; Teleportation;
Ent, former Morlock Wife Pester, child
   ===Strong; Beast-like face; 
Elena Ivanovna, ally of Maverick; daughter of Epsilon Red  
   ===Feeds off of Mutant Energys, Energy Vampire; 
Emma 0052 of the House of Corrections    [finished dying battling 
   Generation X]
   ===mostly dead girl connected to cyborg machine;
Erg of the Morlocks (Drain Dwellers)   
   ===Absorbs all forms of energy; Releases energy thru 'Missing' eye;
Evans, Willie            [Killed fighting alter ego Grunt the Frog]
   ===Reality Manipulation; can Create Pseudo Life Forms
Ever of the Brotherhood
   ===Telepath; Clairvoyance; Orange Skin, Purple Muscles; Looks like    
   a Walking Brain; 
Exodus of Acolytes, once a Crusader
   ===Powerful Telepath and Telekinetic; Electro-Magnetic Powers; 
   ===Can change body into any flavor of Ice Cream
Fabian Cortez with Genosha government, formerly of the Acolytes, 
   once with Genoshan Mutant Rebels and Upstarts; sister Annmarie
   ===Magnify (up to uncontrollable) or Dampen Mutant Powers;
Famine of the Horsemen of Apocalypse
   ===Organic Matter "Wasting" rays and field; Induce Hunger; 
   %Power backlash, now looks like living skeleton
Farahd of the Neo
Fatale with the Black Beast; formerly with the Brotherhood, 
   the Tatsu Clan;
   ===Green Skin, Orange Eyes; Invisible; Bend light around herself and 
   things she touches; Illusions; Teleporter; 
Father Vincent Bloch    [Killed by Sabretooth]
Feedback formerly of Beta Flight II
   ===Creates energy duplicates; Energy Shield; 
Fenris (1/2)  (Brother/Sister) Children of Baron Strucker
   ===#1 fires concussion rays, #2 disintegration rays, but only while 
Feral of the Mutant Liberation Front, formerly with X-Force, sister       
   Thornn  [has X-Virus]
   ===Wolf like appearance, orange and white fur; Claws; Increased 
   Agility and Speed; Berserker; Increased senses;  Long Prehensile 
Fever Pitch of GeneNation 
   ===a Flying Flaming Skeleton; Projects Fire;
Fifolet of the Assassins Guild
   ===Green Glowing Intangible Blaster;
Finality, leader and ancestor of the Dark Sisterhood, brother Clarity
   ===Can foresee many possible futures; Immortal
Firestar of the Avengers, formerly of the New Warriors, Hellions
   ===Microwave Emissions, used with Flight, Force Fields, and energy  
Flambe of the Hell's Belles
   ===Immune to Fire; Controls Fire, needs out side flame source; Fire  
Flashback of Omega Flight I
   ===Summons duplicates from other timelines or his future 
   note: one dup was killed.
Flex of Alpha Flight, from Hull House;  Half Brother of Radius
   ===Can change parts of his body into flat metal weapons, he can
      also change his whole body (minus his head) with effort;
"Flower Lady" of the HeartBreak Hotel Misfits
   ===Unknown, but powerful
Flynn, Alexander of the Gladiators  (Supposed son of Dr. Doom)
Fontanelle, Agent for the New Son 
   ===Telepathically enters one dreams and manipulates them
Forearm of the Mutant Liberation Front  (Neck snapped by Anaconda)
   ===has Four Arms, very Strong and Tough;
   %supposedly killed by Reighfire, but is back
Forge formerly of X-Factor II
   ===Intuitive Genius at Inventing Mechanical Devices
   %He is also a Shaman of the Cheyenne Indians and a Cyborg (Right Leg 
   and Right Hand);
Fortune, Roy  siblings Sally and the Spellbinder
   ===Disintegration, can create Black Holes (Chaos) and Molecular 
   Rearrangement, Reality Manipulation; (Order); Telekinetic; 
Fortune, Sally  siblings Roy and the Spellbinder
   ===Disintegration, can create Black Holes (Chaos) and Molecular 
   Rearrangement, Reality Manipulation; (Order); Telekinetic; 
Foxbat with the Dark Riders            [Killed by other Dark Riders]
   ===Strange Spear Like Appendages from Arms; Claws; Hooves; Yellow    
   Noctural Eyeballs;
Franklyn Richards, formerly Tattletale, Psi-Lord; a Fantastic Four 
   Ally, former of Power Pack, Force Four
   ===Powerful Telekinetic; Powerful Telepath; Illusions; Precognition;  
   Teleporter; Reality Manipulation; 
Fraser, Kate
Freak Quincy
   ===Disrupts electronics with EMP
   %Insane; double amputee (his arms); 
Frost, Cordelia wants to join Hellfire Club, sisters Emma and
   White Queen II
   ===Telepath; Mind Control; Psi Screen; 
Frost, Emma of Generation X, formerly the White Queen of the Inner 
   Circle of the Hellfire Club; sisters White Queen II and Cordelia
   ===Powerful Telepath; Skinned turned Diamond-Like
Gambit,formerly of the X-Men, in Thieves Guild, worked with Sinister,
   in Fagan's Mob; X-Wife Belladonna  
   ===Charges objects with explosive kinetic energy; Red Eyes
   %In the Future becomes the Witness
Gamesmaster of the Upstarts
   ===Omnipath, can't turn it off; Psi-Illusions
Garbage Man
   ===Strong; Tough; Large Mouth; 
Gargouilee of the Acolytes
   ===Dwarf with blue-grey skin; Wings; Horns; Pointy Ears; Flight; 
   ===Creates portals in space (and time) using a bullroarer; 
Gemini IV of Zodiac III, formerly Box IV of Alpha Flight, Brother 
   Scramble, Wife Diamond Lil
   ===Transmutation of metal, plastic, glass into complicated devices
   NOTE: Metal Duplicate is the other Gemini; May be Mind Controlled; 
Gerhart   [Killed by Bushwacker]
   ===Mutant Composer
Gethrin of the Neo
   ===can make your soul suffer with an Energy Sword
Ghost Girl II of Alpha Flight from Hull House
   ===Phaser; people can teleport through her as if she as a 
      portal, but only for a short distance;
Gibbon partners with Grizzley I, was with the "Legion of Losers"
   ===Gibbon-like appearance, Strong, Agile; 
Gideon II of the HighLords      [Life Force absorbed by Selene]
   ===Duplicates and Improves Super Powers; Immortal; Green Hair; 
Glass/Sack of Gene Nation
   ===Inhabits host bodies (killing them); Regen; Yellow Eyes and 
   Teeth; Skin is green goo; 
GlowWorm, Partners with Bulk  [Died when High Evolutionary took away 
   his powers]
   ===Charges objects with explosive energy "Glow Bombs";  Green-
   haired, deformed worm-centaur; Invulnerable to radiation but now is 
Goblyn of Beta Flight II, sister Pathway; Formerly of the Derangers
   ===Feral, tough; Claws; Strength, Agility; Regeneration; Dark Indigo 
   skin (Camouflage) with Light Blue Stripes; Demonic looking with 
   hooves; Psi-Link with sister Pathway
Dr. Gordon Lefferts with Sinister (First victim of X-Virus)
   ===Minor Psionic
Gorgeous George of the Nasty Boys
   ===Capacious, Malleable Body (Tar Baby); can envelope others;  
   Stretch; Purple 'Skin'; 
Gremlin/ Titanium Man II of the Soviet Super Soldiers   (d)
   ===Super Genius; Huge, Deformed Head, a dwarf;
   %Used a copy of the Titaniums Man's armor sometimes
Grind  (maybe) with Shinobi
   ===Mind Control
Gris Gris of the Assassins Guild
   ===Energy Rod; Fear Energy;
Grizzly II of Six Pack     [Made Domino kill him]
   ===Large, Strong, and Tough; Regeneration; Covered in Orange-Red 
   %Unknown alterations by Tyler/ Genesis. Drove him mad;
Growl of the Gladiators
   ===Large with Bull Dog-like Face; generates a high-pitched howl, 
   which can be amplified by other dogs; 
Gunshot of the Magistrates
   ===Purple Skin; 2 Gold Horns on Chin; Metal Hair; 
   %Cyborg; Metal on Shoulders, Gut, Sides; Flame Thrower from metal  
   tube; Central Nervous System cybernetically wired to weapons;
Guthrie, Elizabeth   (Latent)
   ===Latent power to increase size and mass;
Guthrie, Joshua   Brother of Cannonball and Husk
   ===Mutant Singer; can sound like a one-man choir; 
Guvnor of the Super Soldiers
   ===Absorbs Kinetic Energy into Strength
Gypsy Moth of Night Shift, former Femizon; 
   ===Telekinetic, but only "Soft" matter (cloth mostly)
HairBag of the Nasty Boys
   ===Strong and Tough; Bestial appearance; Claws and Fangs; 
Hammond, Lewis of Almost Reno     [Powers become unstable]
   ===Glowed Purple, and it kept getting brighter and brighter;
   %also has Deviant genes;
Hanransha/"Rebel" also known as V-1; mother Hanna Verschiagen; 
   half-siblings V2-V8    [Died stopping insane mother] 
   ===Sends synaptics pulses that stuns people, focus through darts; 
   %part of Vershect/"Experiment to breed mutants;
Harpoon of the Marauders  [Killed a few times, Clone]
   ===Changes metal (harpoons) with explosive, electrical, paralyzing 
   or disintegration energy;
Havok of the Brotherhood, former X-Factor II, X-Man, Genosha 
   Magistrate; Brother Cyclops; Father Corsair;  [Blown up by bomb]
   ===Absorbs cosmic energy and releases it as Plasma bursts
   %uses a harness to channel powers for flight;
   Note: body killed on the prime, 'soul' set to other dimension
Hawkshaw of the Magistrates
   ===Enhanced senses; 
   ===Plasma energy discharge; Binding energy; Flight; 
Healer of the Morlocks    [died healing Callisto]
   ===Empathic healer, suffers his patient's wounds
Herald, Vanna           [Killed by Buchwacker]
   ===Mutant Artist; 
Hogan, Dennis (the Lizard)        [Killed by mutant haters]
   ===Started turning scaly;
   ===Teleports people, they arrive with amnesia; Reality Manipulation;
Honcho of the Thunderiders/ Team America
   ===Empathic with other Thunderiders; Projecting Gestalt to create 
   the Dark Rider
Hoo with the Hellfire Club
   ===Switches Human Minds (for a "Price");
Horn of the Gladiators
  ====Large, Strong and Tough; Noseless with a Large Horn on Forehead;
Horse of the Kingpin Organization (Hong Kong), Formerly of China Force   
  [maybe dead, back broken after fight with the Agent]
  ===Powerful Legs; Enhance Speed; 
Hound the Mutant Killer
   %Genetically enhanced Mutant; Cyborg; 
Hump of the Morlocks, Brother Brute III (Masques Gangsters)   (mld)
   ===Large, Green Skinned mutant; 
Hurricane with Dark Riders  [Impaled by Wolverine with Adamantium 
   ===Big and Strong; can create Gale Force Winds;
Husk of Generation X, Sister of Cannonball
   ===Sheds skin to heal, and to change form; i.e. Skin of metal,  
   crystal or stone; change into an animal; ...
Hybrid (Half-Wraith)
   ===Levitation; Metamorph (without absorbing them); Telepath; Purple 
   Skin, Large, Inhuman Head; 
Iceman formerly with the X-Men, Champions, Defenders, X-Factor, 
   Secret Defenders II
   ===Changes body in Ice; controls ice, projects ice and cold; can 
   lower temperature; Growth (Strength); Regeneration; Ice Surfing;  
   Ice Shields; 
Illyana/Magik, also called Darkchilde, once with New Mutants, Hellions  
   Brothers Colossus and Mikhail               [died of X-Virus]
   ===Teleport thru Time/Space on "Warp Discs"; must go thru Belasco's 
   %Once (and my still) posses great magical ability
Infectia of the Anti-Bodies   (Died of the Legacy Virus)
   ===Infects humans (and mutants) granting/boosting powers, but it    
   causes her subjects (Anti-Bodies) to burn out.
Integer of GeneNation
   ===a Mathematical Concept?? Transparent and speaks in 1 and 2;
      can possess the bodies of others
Iron Curtain of the Russian Underground  [Foxfire blew him up from the  
   inside with a grenade]
   ===Bullet Proof skin; Strong; 
Iron Maiden of GeneNation
   ===Metal Skin, covered in Spikes; Razor Sharp Hide;
Ivich of the Gladiators
   ===Green Skin (NOTE once show with a long flat head)
JacKnife                            [Fried by Electricity]
   ===Psi-Shives; Purple Skin, Red Eyes; 
Jaeger I of the Neo; wife Domina            [Killed by Reyes]
   ===Duplicates the powers of others; 
Jaeger II of the Neo; Father Jaeger I
   ===Skills and Reactions of a Born Hunter
Jake of Genosha
   ===Grey Skin covered in Swirls; Grey Eyes;
Jamie Braddock, siblings Captain Britain and Psylocke
   ===Can distort reality; 
   %insane; neck snapped, hangs at an angle; 
Janus III of the Derangers     [Killed each other]
   ===Splits into two, each with a Polar Personality
Javitz of the Acolytes  [Absorbed by Holocaust, but got better]
   ===Large, Strong Mutant; 
Jefferson, Randall
   ===Feeds on the life force of others; 
Jetstream of the Hellions   [Life Force absorbed by Fitzroy]
   ===Flight with Thermo-Chemical Energy; 
   %made a Cyborg to control his flight; his skin would have fried 
   without it
Joey of the Morlocks  (u)
   ===Green Rock Body, Strong, Quick; 
Johansson, Martha                             (Killed by the U-Men)
   ===Telepath with bioluminous blood. 
   %Now a disembodied brain
   ===Telepath; control others; 
Joseph of the X-Men, formerly thrall of Astra; Relicant of Magneto;
   ===Power Magnetic Powers, control over whole electro-magnetic  
   spectrum; mind shield; Can increase strength through magnetism; 
Jubilee II of Generation X
   ===generate explosive energy plasmoids and also possesses a latent 
   telepathic ability
   %In alternate future powers include photon blasts and invisibility; 
Justice of the Avengers, formerly Marvel Boy of the New Warriors, 
   formerly with UCWF; 
   ===Powerful Telekinetic; 
   ===Covered in Green Spots; Project Green Concussive Force; 
   note: She hears voices inside her head;
Kamal of the Acolytes
   ===Strong; Hard Skin;
Kamikaze of the Mutant Liberation Front [Beheaded by ArchAngel's Wings]
   ===Flight; Explosive Touch; 
Kangaroo, Henchman of Jonas Harrow   (d)
   ===Super Jumping; Powerful Legs;
   %Cybernetic implants to boost power;
Karima with Candra
   ===Makes your Fear or Desire come to life; 
   ===Thing-like, very strong and not to bright. Has unknown energy powers.
Karma, twin brother Tran, siblings Nga and Leong 
   ===Possession of the Minds of others;
Katu in Acolytes     [Died using his power trying to kill Omega Red]
   ===Living Conduit for InterAtmospheric Anomalies; Manipulates 
   Electromagnetic Energy;
   %Arms removed by Omega Red; replaced by Cyborg Arms;
   ===kid who can Fly
Klienstock, Eric with the Acolytes  (Brothers Klienstock)  [Shot by Tom 
   ===Fire Projection; Force Field; Flight; Merges with Brothers; 
   Stronger with merged; 
Klienstock, Harlan in Acolytes  (Brothers Klienstock) 
   ===Fire Projection; Force Field; Flight; Merges with Brothers; 
   Stronger with merged; 
Klienstock, Sven in Acolytes  (Brothers Klienstock)  
   ===Fire Projection; Force Field; Flight; Merges with Brothers; 
   Stronger with merged; 
Kine, Benedict of the Hellfire Club 
   ===Knocks people out with a twitch; Glowing Hands;
King Bedlam of Hellions II; Brother Jess Bedlam
   ===Psionically disrupts the Mind; Psi-Shield;
Krakoa the Living Island
   ===a Composite being, a mobile ecosystem; drains mutant powers;
   possesses Psi Shields; and is an Energy Blaster;
Krule(Crule) of the HighLords       [Life Force absorbed by Selene]
   ===Purple Skin, Fangs; Strong; Immortal
Kylun formerly of Excalibur
   ===Leonine appearance; Superior Reflexes; can mimic any sound; Night 
   %Wields mystical twin blade forged by the Mystic Zz'ria;  Can't Harm 
   one of True Virtue and Pure Spirit;
Lady Tessa with the X-Men, formerly of the Hellfire Club
   ===Photographic Memory and/or Telepathy;
Laneige, Bianca once of the Hellfire Club
   ===Transmute Corporal Forms
   NOTE: Turned Aliens into 7 super powers dwarves;
Leech of Generation X, formerly of the X-Terminators, Morlocks, 
   ===Power dampener, area effect; Green skin, Large noseless head;   
   Large yellow eyes;
Leecher of the Bio-Genes
   ===Green Lumpy Warty Skin; Psychic Vampire; Control Others;
Legion, son of Professor X   (Mind wiped by the Shadow King)
   ===Reality and Time; Manipulation; his personalities are:
   (Jack Wayne) Force Fields; Telekinetic; (Jemail Karmai) Telepath; 
   (Cydni) Pyrokinetic projection; (?) Metamorph mentioned, body 
   changes with 'user'; he has one blue eye, one green eye;
   %Multiple personalities, each with a different power; except for 
   Jemail Karmai who was a terrorist he absorbed;  
Leiko of the Asian Underground  (d)
   ===Mutant Detector;
Lexi of the Gladiators
   ===Demonic looking; Bat Wings, Purple skin, triple tail; 
Light of the Asian Underground
   ===Living Lie Detector; 
Light Bright of Intreder, formerly with Bio-Genes
   ===Flyer; Electrical Zapper; 
Lightning Bug of the Morlocks   [Killed in Morlock Massacre,    
   Phoenix force survived longer]
   ===Spirit leaves body in Phoenix-like shape; 
Lightrakker a Power Pack ally
   ===Teleports from light source to light source; 
Life-force with Dark Riders  [Killed by Wolverine]
   ===Psionic Vampire;
Lila ally of X-Force
   ===Mass teleporter, long distances
Link of the Heartbreak Hotel Misfits
   ===Strong with Tough Skin;
Little Wanda of Circle of Pavane,  father Pavane, siblings Ampere and 
   ===Two pupils per eye; Sees Everything;
Living Diamond/Jack O'Diamonds; formerly with the X-Humed as the 
   Unliving Diamond     [Undead, Dead Again]
   ===Diamond-like skin; Telepath; Strong; Teleport; 
   %brought back as undead by Black Talon, 
Living Monolith/Living Planet/Living Pharaoh of the Cult of the 
   Pharaoh; Niece Plasma
   ===Absorb ambient cosmic energy; Growth, Strength; Destructive 
   energy beams; 
   %has grown to planet size and now a Living Planet; back to normal;
    absorbed the power of the other Twelve (Magneto, Phoenix, Cyclops, 
    Professor X, Mikhail, Storm, Ice Man, Sunfire, Polaris, Cable,
    Bishop); mindless now;
   Note: Apocalyse "may" have grafted Havok's DNA onto him to give
   Monolith his "mutant" powers;
Llyra (Half-Lemurian) formerly of the Frightful Four, Cult of Set;
   son Llyron by Leon MacKenzie, Half-Brother of Namor;
   ===Metamorph; Water Breathing; Strong; normally green skin;  Fish 
   Control; Quasi-Telepath with Primitive Fish Brains
Lobo Brothers (Carlos and Eduardo (d)) of Los Hermanos de la Luna
   ===both metamorph into a werewolf; Berserkers; Enhanced senses;  
   Tough; Vulnerable to silver; 
Lockup of the Brood Boys (d)
   ===Paralysis touch; 
   % Made into a Member of the Brood
Locus of the Mutant Liberation Front 
   ===Teleporter, time and space; Flight;
   NOTE: Has appeared has a white blonde female and a light skinned 
   black female; 
London, Lois, Sister of Dazzler
   ===Death Touch, drains Health; 
Loss of Gene Nation 
   ===Light Blue Skin; Small Spikes on Shoulders; Bone Blade in Hand;
Lukas of the X-Patriots Sister a Mutie is Dead
   ===Minor Telepath; Morphs into your fear; 
Lucy of the Heartbreak Hotel Misfits
   ===Alter the Color of Objects;
M formerly of Generation X; formerly Penance; brother is Emplate; 
   Sisters Claudeet and Nicole 
   ===Strong; Tough; Flies; Genius;
   NOTE: was made Penance by brother Emplate, then the twins Claudette  
   and Nicole exchanged places with her; 
Madame Drache, madam of the X-Ranch   [Killed by the Church of Humanity]
   ===Fire Breather
Madame Marlene              [Killed by Sabretooth]
   ===Low Level Telepath;
Madame Web
   ===Telepath; Precognition;
Madrox the Multiple Man of X-Corpes, formerly of X-Factor II, another duplicate was in 
   X-Factor II, a duplicate was in Fallen Angels and another duplicate 
   was with the Nasty Boys;
   ===Creates duplicates (needs kinetic energy), they are empathic with 
   main host; Regeneration when dup combined; 
   %many of his duplicates have died: one absorbed by Proteus; 
   Fallen Angel member killed in Coconut Grove; One killed by the Nasty 
   Boy member, first X-Factor member died of the Legacy Virus;
Maggott formerly of the X-Men
   ===Two Worms (Eany and Meany) are his Digestion System; Skin 
   turns blue, get Larger and Stronger; 
Magma of Hellions II, formerly of the New Mutants and Hellions
   ===Seismic Manipulation; Lava form, Lava/ Molten Rock Projection; 
   Regenerates when touching the earth; 
Magneto, ruler of Genosha, formerly of the Acolytes, Leader of the 
   Brotherhood of Evil Mutants I and II, Savage Land Mutates (made 
   them), X-Men, once teacher of the New Mutants, White King of the 
   Hellfire Club
   ===Power Magnetic Powers, control over whole electro-magnetic  
   spectrum; mind shield; Can increase strength through magnetism; 
   %Helmet allows him to psionic project his thoughts; 
Maha Yogi of the Convocation of Wizards
   ===Telepathy; Mind Control; Illusions; Metamorph; Teleport; 
   Telekinesis; Energy Blaster;  
   %Possessed the Bloodstone, gave him Immortally;
Mali of the Bio-Genes
   ===Little Girl, grows to Adult; 
   %controlled by Leecher; she wanted peace; 
Mandrill, wife Nekra formerly of Fem-Force, Mutant Force, Black 
   Spectre; [Killed by Deathstrike and Cutthroat, but he has been seen  
   in the background] 
   ===Baboon-like appearance; Strong, Agile; Pheromone-based mind 
   control over women; Short burst of high speed; 
Manh, Leong Coy (once part of Template of the Brat Pack), siblings of 
   Karma, twin brother to Nga
   ===Projection Metamorph; Independent Ectomorph, can shed his skin  
   and control it; 
   %Artificially ages by Mojo I; reverted to normal; Aged again by  
Manh, Nga Coy (once part of Template of the Brat Pack), sibling of 
   Karma, twin sister to Leong
   ===Projection Metamorphs; then covered in armor, could duplicate  
   and clone a person and then possess the clone (grown in big bubble 
   on back);
   %Artificially ages by Mojo I; reverted to normal; Aged again by  
Manh, Tran Coy   Twin Brother of Karma  [Absorbed by sister Karma]
   ===Possession of the Mind of Others
Manikin formerly of Beta Flight
   ===Once create duplicate forms of himself as Amoebae "Proto" 
   (Dissolves things), Caveman "Apeman" (Strong, Agile, Prehensile 
   Feet), and Futuristic "Highbrow" (Cyborg implants, Teleportation, 
   Force Field, Telepath, Enhanced vision; Force Bolt); can Regenerate
   when he reforms; 'They' sacrificed themselves to save Manikin
   Prime, now he changes into them, one at a time;
Marked Man of the Morlocks
   ===Releases ink from fingers; Can blind by projecting ink; Temporary 
   Increase in Strength and Health; Telepathic, can read deepest sin;
MariLou of Gene Nation  [Killed because she looked like Storm]
Maritine, Jean in the Thieves Guild  (d)
Marrow/Sarah of the X-Men, formerly with Gene Nation/ Morlocks  
   ===Grows bones as exoskeleton; can remove and use them as weapons;  
   Purple hair, yellow eyes with red shine; Bone Claws; Regeneration;
   %after healed in Skrull Healing Pod, she has better control of bone
Marvel Boy II 
   ===Telekinetic Powers
   %Maybe Mutate, father Irving and Grandfather Meyer both had powers, 
   but they may be different one
Mary of Almost Reno
   ===a Telepath, Psi-Bolt;
   %also has Deviant genes;
Mary Campbell   (lives on Muir Island)
   ===Telekinetic, eyes glow when power used;
Masque of the Morlocks (Masques Gangsters)    [killed by Shatterstar]
   ===Projecting metamorph, can make anyone (except himself) look like 
   anyone else; Flesh manipulation; Horribly deformed;
Mastermind I formerly of the Factor Three, Brotherhood of Evil 
   Mutants I, Secret Empire II, tried to get in Hellfire Club;  
   daughter is Mastermind II; [Died of the Legacy Virus]
   ===Create powerful mental illusions, includes smell, touch, taste 
   and hearing;
Mastermind II; father is Mastermind I
   ===Create powerful mental illusions, includes smell, touch, taste 
   and hearing; she also has the added power of telepathy;
Matthew, almost a member of the Lost Boys and Girls
   ===some sort of Telekinetic powers;
Maverick, possibly Wild Cat of Weapon X Project   [Dying of X-Virus]
   ===Absorb kinetic energy (lost?)
   %Wears battle suit to replace lost power.
McFee, Jonathan of Almost Reno    [killed by humans]
   ===Energy Hands
   %also has Deviant genes;
Meggan of Excalibur; husband Captain Britain 
   ===Metamorph; empathic with the earth; powers are nature based; Fire          
   projection; Flight; Growth; appearance changes with mood; Body of  
   Water, of Air, of Fire; Enhanced senses; can detect Life Force; 
   Can speak any language, including animals; 
Melloncamp of the Acolytes   [Madrox grew within after he ate Madrox]
   ===Green, demonic-looking body; 
Meltdown, formerly BoomBoom, Timebomb, Boomer of X-Force, formerly of 
   the X-Terminators, New Mutants, Fallen Angels, 
   ===produces time-delayed exploding spheres
   % sometimes uses gadgets to project as force
Membrain of GeneNation
   ===Telepathic Green Blob; can control others by hitting them
   with his psi-sensitive mucous membrane goo;
Meme of the Morlocks  [Marvel Girl shut of his Brain]
   ===Orange skinned; can absorb people in himself, to add strength;  
   had extra arms, legs, and heads of the people he absorbed;  
Mentac of the Russian Underground   [shot by Foxfire in the Brain]
   ===Computer like mind; 
Mentallo of the Enforcers II, once with Shield (Psi Division), Hydra,  
   Partners with Fixer, the Resistants (as Think Tank);  [Brain Fried 
   after feedback from Hulk]
Mesmero, once with the Demi-Men  
   ===Green Skin and Hair; Powerful Hypnotic Gaze; 
Meteorite of the Resistants, Formerly Lifter of the Brotherhood of 
   Evil Mutants II and Mutant Force
   ===Gravity powers; anti-gravity but only on other objects; Flight by 
   riding something he is lifting; Tough Skin and Strength with 
   Increased Density; 
   ===Unknown, not actice yet
   NOTE: in Bishop future he was a Hound without a Collar; Right Face    
   Scarred; His Past was changed by XUE.
Micro Max formerly of F16, and Excalibur
   ===Growth and Shrinking powers; can also change his appearance; 
Midnight's Fire of the Folding Circle, Sister Silhouette
   ===Superhuman Agility and Acrobatic Ability; Enhanced Senses; 
Mikhail formerly of the Morlocks/Gene Nation, Siblings Colossus 
   and Illyana  
   ===Can channel and manipulate energy; reform bodies, Projecting 
   Metamorph; Alters Reality; Transport Matter; 
   %bonded with Force of Nature in other dimension, made him mad;
    broke the bond but lost the ability to travel thru dimension;
Mikula Goluben of Bogatyr
   ===Telekinetic; uses control collar as focus; 
Milan of Acolytes   [Killed by Holocaust]
   ===Read Minds, Probes; Electro-pathy; Transfers mental images to 
Mindmeld in Hellfire Club
   ===White Skin; Switches Minds with Others and Possesses Others;
   ===Telepath; Emotion Vampire; Dwarf with Huge Head and a Hair-lip; 
Mist Mistress of the Resistants
   ===Can create cloud of Acid Mists;
Mister One and Mister Two
   ===Two Bodies, one Mind; One Large and Strong, One Small and Weak; 
Mole of the Morlocks
   ===Light hurts eyes; Increased speed; Phases walls (not himself);  
   Mole-like features, furry;
Mondo with Black Tom, formerly of Generation X
   ===Omnimorph; can change into and merge with any material;  
   Stone, Sand, Earth, Brick...; Gains strength with merge; 
Monitor of the Lost Boys and Girls
Monkey of the Kingpin Organization (Hong Kong), Formerly of China Force
Monsoon, Brother of Haven
   ===Ability to create a monsoon: wind, rain and lightning; and can
   ride the winds to fly;
Monte of the Morlocks   (mld)
   ===Bio-Blaster; Fish-like face, Green Skin, Fins on Face; 
Moonstar of X-Force, Formerly (undercover) of Mutant Liberation Front,   
   former secret agent of SHIELD, a former Valkyrie, formerly Mirage of 
   the New Mutants
   ===Creates psionic arrows that induce phobias, or hearts desire;   
   Empathy with animals; 
   %she once could channel Quantum Energy (a primal energy;
   %as a Valkyrie she senses the coming of death; (power lost)  
Mother Inferior former Morlock, Daughter Pester  [Killed in Building 
   Cave In]
   ===Controls Rats;
Mr Beckham of the Gauntlet      [Exploded from the Inside]
Mr Cox of the Gauntlet          [Missing]
Mr Glass of the Gauntlet        [Shutdown by Nate Gray]
Ms Yoshida
Muradyan, Marie
   ===Latent found by Cerebro;
Murmur I with Emplate
   ===Wrapped as a mummy with Mouth in chest;
Mystique in X-Factor, formerly of Brotherhood of Evil Mutants III,  
   Freedom Force, sons Craydon Creed, Nightcrawler, adopted daughter 
   ===Powerful Shape-Shifter, down to the fingerprints; Indigo Skin, 
   Yellow Eyes; 
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