Fantasy Drawings
[7-06-2001 04:40 PM]
I drew the Dragon my junior year of high school. I was very proud of it. For the
time it was one of my best. I was drawing dragons to get an idea for a large
painting I later did of a dragon. Unfortunately I am overly generous with my artwork,
and consequently don't have any of my paintings. They were all given to friends and
The yeti with the cyborg arm was a drawing I sent my brother before I started
the competition with him. I was to the point of only drawing when I wanted to
draw for someone. Even today I only draw on occasion, I am more into playing
guitar now.
By the summer of 1998 Joe had lost interest in our competition. Around this same
time I started having problems in my marraige. The picture of Chronica I sent to
Joe portrays a very cold looking woman who controls time.
Bob and Jinni were two Genies that I had been drawing for years. They were a comedy
bit. Bob is overweight and selfcentered, while Jinni is athletic and motivated.
In one scene, a man wishes to be on
Jeopardy and Bob says he can't grant the wish because it wasn't in the form of a
The mermaid and the dark elf were drawings I did over the years while in the
Air Force. I don't remember what was the inspiration for them, but I like how
they turned out.
Pilsbane was a quick sketch of my character from the game Everquest. I was never
really happy with any of the pictures I drew of Pilsbane but I really like how the
picture of Sobana, my friend's character, turned out.