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Final Fantasy IX
Playstation Game
[7-08-2001 07:50 PM]

This game combined many of the game mechanics popularized in seven, the bright atmosphere found in the first few Final Fantasies, and several new ideas. While fairly easy to go straight through, there are many side quests and extra features to add challenge. I played it straight through the first time in about a week.

I found the skills I equiped to be the most important strategy. Throughout the game try and match up the killer skills and protection skills with what you are fighting. For example, if you are fighting bird monsters, make sure you are using birdkiller to do much more damage. If fighting monsters that cast Stop on you, use Locomotion to become immune.

Make sure at least one person in your group has Alert on as soon as you get it. Alert makes it where you are no longer attacked from behind. Level Up and Ability Up are useful skills when leveling up, but can be traded off for better skills during harder fights.

Auto-potion is very useful early in the game, but should be later replaced with Auto-Regen. Auto-Regen is the MOST important skill to equip! By the end of the game Zidane regenerates for almost 500 Hit Points per round. Auto-life is very useful too, since there are a number of monsters that can instantly kill you with a special attack. Late in the game Auto-Haste helps out as well. Make sure you obtain the emerald in Cleyra so you can eventually synth the Running Shoes, in order to learn auto-haste. Using Auto-Regen, Auto-Life, and Auto-Haste with some of the protection skills like Body Temperature and Clear Headed, you are nearly invincible!