Hi David,
My name is Daniel Ross. I am an 18 yr old freshman at Montgomery College in Maryland, majoring in theatre. I'm a huge fan of Beast Wars, I've been one of those raging collectors ever since the original transformers came out. Being the voice of the evil leader Megatron must seem like a lot to live up to especially when dealing with fans like myself who hear your voice every time Beast Wars comes on. I am an actor like yourself. I have loved the theatre ever since I knew what it was. I've done many shows around. Nothing big, just community. I used to be the #1 sports broadcaster at my alma matter Springbrook High School, and the main guy on the morning announcements radio/tv. People say I have a great voice for it. I do tons of voices too, mainly mimicking. Hence I have been nicknamed The Mouth by many of my friends. I love what I do, as I'm sure you do. I have a question for you. How did you become so successful? What did you do? I have wanted to make a name for myself for quite some time. I know 18 years doesn't seem like that long, but I want nothing more than to be successful. In a way, you have been kind of an inspiration to me. That's why I come to you with these questions.
Thank you,

I came at my career through a radio background. Interesting enough, I did the P.A. anouncements in high school. Made some connections. landed a job all nights on weekends in radio and from there, my interests grew until eventually I wound up in Vancouver at a radio station. graduated to the morning show where a lot of the voices and personality stuff started to shine through. All along I was starting to search out production houses in town and ad agencies trying to get them to hire me to do commercials. I took a goofy commercial modeling course for the hell of it and it was there in the commercial side of the course I met my agent to be. With no credits he took me on and I've been with him ever since. He got me an audition for G.I Joe and I ended up as General Hawk. From there I was invited to audition for a local theatre group and got my first role in Virginia Wolf. Then came more film/television auditions. more commercials and I parlayed it as well into a thriving radio/television voice imaging company. So it gets kinda busy. There is no secret. Just keep doing what your doing and start marketing yourself to talent agents. If you really want it, you'll make the necessary calls and connections you need to get at it. All I can say is that I was pretty much in the same situation you were about 10 or so years ago. Thanks for your e-mail and kind words. Keep me posted. David. ----------