Here lies my Les Miserables fanfiction

Caveat lector! A few of these stories contain vaguely slashy undertones. Not your jar of marmalade? Go somewhere else.

If you want to leave reviews, there's a button somewhere for that.

The Guest. Someone is in the house with Javert. Sequel to "Superstitions."

Superstitions , where Javert demonstrates his prowess as a detective and discredits a few myths about Gypsies. Sequel to "The Gorbeau Show."

The Gorbeau Show. What exactly was going through Javert's head as he faced 7 armed, pissed-off bandits in the Gorbeau hovel?

NEW: M.-sur-M. police station, revisited. The scene as Hugo would never have shown it: without clearly defined villain/victim roles.

The Beginning , in which Javert recounts his childhood memories. Corniness abounds.

Fighting a la mode parisienne . The gendarmerie on Rue de Pontoise organizes a wrestling match, and Javert decides to participate. Work reflects utter lack of talent and skill: the mood changes jarringly from one chapter to the next.

A witch! A witch! Les Miserables meets Monty Python. Upcoming chapter: author meets lawsuit.

The First Meeting Toulon, 1796. Valjean exchanges letters with the Chief of the Secret Police about a common acquaintance of theirs.

In the name of the law! This is the story where we find out a lot of us have always suspected: Javert is actually a robot.

"Those were the days!.."
Javert, circa 1815.

Pencil and ink.

Copyright © by Anna M. Z.

All the stories posted here are actually posted here --------------------------------->




- The Miserable Diaries , by Framboise. This parody of the Secret Diaries of Cassandra Claire contains some of the funniest lines I've ever read. Considering that I've read almost every play by Tom Stoppard, that's saying a lot.

- A Typical Day at the ABC Wineshop, by Jehan's Muse. Very funny, no kidding.

- One Miz, Two Miz, Red Miz, Blue Miz , also by Jehan's Muse. A very Miserable rendition of Dr. Seuss' "Green Eggs and Ham."

- Les Miserables: The Real Story , by The Lark. To use the author's own words, "this is what Les Miz would have been like if Victor Hugo had been high while writing it."

NEW! - The most ruthless torture , by Severina. This has zero to do with Les Mis. It's a Harry Potter ficlet about Lucius Malfoy and Harry Potter. Funny as hell. (written in Russian.)


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