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For thousands of years people have claimed to have seen the mysterious UFOs flying through the night skies all over the world.  There are also millions upon millions of claims of alien abductions.  It is for this reason that I (Picasso) believe that aliens do exist.  It is indeed hypocritical and naive for us humans to suggest that we are alone in the entire universe.  Indeed the universe is so big that the greatest scientists are still unable to comprehend the magnificence and size of it.  
There have been many  reported sightings of UFO's, aliens and alien abduction.  Surely some of these must be true.  Aliens must exist somewhere in our massive universe.  The problem for us humans is that based on the known evidence that we have  they seem to not exist.  The crash at Roswell, is the most well known place where people believe that aliens crashed.  Could there be a government cover-up. POSSIBLY....
As you probably already know, a UFO is a acronym for unidentified flying object,  it is an object that is able to escape radar and sonar description.  Many UFO reports are found to be hoaxes or misperceptions.  However amongst the thousands upon thousands of sightings surely some of them must be genuine.  UFO sightings first came into prominence during World War I and there was also a resurgence in World War II.  This perhaps suggest that aliens are watching down upon us from the heavens.
There have been many studies which have been carried out to check for common characteristics among people who have claimed to have seen aliens.  However there is nothing, the people vary in occupation, income levels, gender, age, race and education levels LOOK AT THE PICTURES BELOW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK  




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