You enter Bitra Hold. Julaina breathes haggardly, leaning on chairs as she walks around. Devin holds Julaina's hand his arm about her. Opa comes in hurriedly, her cloak swirling around her feet. She looks about for someone to help her, and then spots her journeyranker. "Julaina!" Devin looks over to Opa and smiles. Gilda's Fair continues humming loudly in harmony. Julaina says "MMmmmaster OPA!!!!!" Julaina's eyes nearly bug out. Devin winces as Julaina crushes his hand. Julaina says "Dddevinn..put this note on Gilda's leg...She needs to go get Dwane and Kaaila." Opa bustles over, coming within a few feet of Julaina before she stops short and sort of hangs back. "Great Faranth, you're huge..." she mutters as her first reaction. Julaina rifles the note from her pocket. Julaina nods miserably to Opa. Devin nods to his wife, carefully afixing to note to Gilda Gilda chirples and lets the note be affixed. Opa seems quite out of her element here, and continues to stand at a distance. "Your fair there brought me your note, I came right've started've started?" Gilda's Fair circle the room in a close wing-formation, and with a single chirp from Gilda, vanish /between/! Gilda's Fair has left. Julaina says "Y..yessss." Opa looks bewildered for a moment, then comes closer to Devin and speaks to him in a low voice. "And what by the Egg is she still doing in here, then? She can't such a public place...look, the drudges are staring..." Julaina huffs and puffs as she walks around the table, groaning in 5 minute intervals. Devin nods to Master Opa, "Come ove.. you should be in the infirmary.. " he carefully places his arm about her, supporting her. Julaina nods. Opa looks around for lack of something to do, and flips her skirts annoyedly at some gawking drudges. "What are you staring at? Can't you do something more useful than ogling a lady weaver?" Julaina pants a bit, making for the stairs. Julaina looks over at Devin, all sweaty and red and scared-looking. Devin whispers something to Julaina and helps her slowly. Julaina :huffs and puffs, letting out a terrific howl. Opa steps further towards the drudges to make her point clear to those who haven't started moving off yet. "Go! Get back to work! And someone get the hold healer..." She turns back towards the pair and pales at Julaina's cry. Gilda's Fair burst in from /between/ with a whoooosh of cold air, and circle the room in close wing-formation, looking for a safe landing spot. Gilda's Fair has arrived. Gilda's Fair comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard. Devin grimaces as his hand is caught with Julaina's squeeze, "C'mn love.. lets hurry.." Gilda's Fair hummmmms louder and louder. Julaina nods and starts up the staircase. Devin climbs up the stairs to the second floor. Julaina climbs up the stairs to the second floor. Opa's brows draw upwards in concern. "Julaina, are you alright?" She hurries up the stairs after Devin and the waddling weaver. You enter the stairwell and climb up to the second floor. Julaina says "The pains started this morning....I've been trying to walk off the pain." Devin carefully guides Julaina towards the infirmary as she talks. Julaina says "*puffpuff* Can we walk down the hallway a bit?"" Opa bites her lip. "Should you do that? Didn't you call for a healer right away?" Julaina nods...."Dwane and Kaaila are...*YEOW!* on their way..." Devin murmurs, "I think you've walked enough for now love.. we should really get you into the infirmary..." Julaina says "Nnnooo! I need to walk!!" Opa twitches at Julaina's howl, walking after the pair some steps behind, wringing her hands together for lack of anything else to do with them. She looks behind her down the hallway, evidently looking for any sign of a purple-and-white knot. Julaina staggers down the hallway, bent over, holding onto the walls for support. Devin shakes nervously, trying to help in anyway he can... Julaina puffpuffs like Tess told her to...not that that eases the pain, really... Opa is really wound up now, what with ten whole seconds having gone by with no healer in sight. One poor fosterling comes out into the hallway to see what the commotion is about, and she yells him back into the common dorm. One wonders whether she would do the same if the Lord Warder himself appeared on the scene. Julaina stops walking briefly, breathing heavily, then starts walking again. Julaina howls out in frustration, amidst the humming of her fair below.."Where are those HEALERS!!!!???! Julaina scowls at some of the residents who poke their heads out, curious at all the ruckus. Opa looks left and right and left again as Julaina paces up and down the hallway past her. Her face bears an expression of extreme concern. "Are you supposed to be walking?" Julaina snuffles, turning to Devin with weepy eyes. "I don't want to do this anymore..okay?" Devin nods quickly, "I'm.... sorry..." he murmurs softly... his eyes concerned Julaina snuffles again, then yeowls once more... Julaina leans heavily against Devin..."It hurts...promise me we won't do this again..." She looks at her mate pleadingly. Devin simply nods reassuringly, "I won't.." he says softly, "I promise..." Julaina seems convinced as she wearily shakes her head, sweat rolling down the sides of her face. Opa continues to look off down the hall towards the stairs, wincing at each howl. Gilda's Fair comes up the stairs from the ground floor. Opa turns back questioningly to Devin. "Should we not get her into the infirmary now? Surely she can walk around in there...without fear of *prying* *eyes*..." The last two words are directed to a group of holders peeking out of their rooms. Gilda's Fair fly around, toward the ceiling, humming and making circles before leaving Gilda's Fair chooses the stairs leading down. Devin nods submissively to Opa, trying to direct Julaina towards the Infirmary. Julaina screams loudly then scowls once more at the holders..."What's the matter? Haven't you ever seen a woman give birth before!?!" (Not her finest moment.) Julaina lets herself be directed into the infirmary. Devin tries to calm Julaina with quiet words as he helps her to the infirmary. Julaina opens the door and walks softly into the Infirmary. Devin opens the door and walks softly into the Infirmary. You open the door and walk quietly into the Infirmary. Julaina continues walking around slowly, gripping counters and such...and moving much less quickly than before. Julaina chuckles a little between pains as she notices Rahmee..."Just your type of place, eh Rahmee? Nice and CLEAN!!!*@!&#! Opa remains by the door, peeking out for the approach of healers. In between peeks, she clears her throat somewhat awkwardly. "Well actually Julaina, I've never seen a woman give birth, well..." Rahmee just twitters calmly (unlike certain humans in the room) and hums softly. Julaina nods. "Well you may just get the chance, Master Opa..." Opa pales, taking an involuntary step backward towards the door. "Oh...well...I don't think that'd be necessary would it? I mean, I wouldn't want to crowd everyone." Devin takes a nearby cloth and carefully pads Julaina's face. Julaina looks around at the nearly empty room and shakes her head at the woman. Opa erms, leaning against the door. "Well, it also may get a bit hot in here what with your...exertions...and I'm one more person...where *is* that healer?!" Julaina breathes haggardly..."I..I wish this would end soon..." Gilda's Fair comes in quietly from the hallway. Dwane comes in quietly from the hallway. Jerissa comes in quietly from the hallway. Devin continues to wipe Julaina's brow, murmuring endearments. Gilda's Fair perch on various cupboards, humming loudly. Opa nearly falls backwards as the door, which she's leaning on, opens and Dwane walks in. Julaina huffs and puffs, looking at Dwane with reddened, sweaty face. Jerissa follows in behind Dwane, unbuckling her flight jacket and nodding politely, murmering a quiet "Igen's duty" to the room in general. Julaina says "Where have you BBBEEEEUHN?!?" Dwane strides in quickly, looking to Opa apologeticlly, "Julaina. Sorry, i get here as fast as I could." he says, nodding to the others quickly, looking to see who is in a condition to help. Opa somehow avoids stumbling over and rights herself, glaring at Dwane. Her glare turns to relief as she notes his knot. "A healer!" And then, relief turns to fury as she says, in unison with Julaina, "Where have you *been*?!" Julaina yeowls a blood-curdling scream and nearly squeezes the circulation out of Devin's hand. Devin OOCly, "Sorry for my idleishness, shutting down a chemical furnace@work..." Dwane stops, looking to Julaina and ignoring the questions. "Can someone get me redwort, A sharp sterile knife, soft furs, water. please." he says, quickly washing his hands in sweetsand." Julaina seems to be yeowling about every 3 minutes or so. Julaina breathes heavily, leaning against Devin and some cabinets. Jerissa sidles back against the wall. She's no healer of humans, dragons yes, humans no. She looks around at the others to see who will move, eyes flickering over the havily gravid woman. Opa comes forward into the room and addresses Dwane. "She says she's in pain...I've never heard anyone yell so loud...and she's been walking. Should she be doing that?" The healer's requests seem to go right through her. Devin tries to get that which Dwane wants, but his hand is locked in Julaina's vice... er hand. Julaina lets go of Devin's hand, reaching out for Opa's. Devin grabs his hand to restart the circulation through it, getting Dwane's needed items. Opa hangs back as Julaina reaches for her, looking entirely unsure and out of her depth. Dwane looks to Opa. "Look for a herb packet called Columbine, and another called Wormwood.. And fetch me some hot water. They will ease the pain." he asks, then looks to Jerissa. "Windsecond, I need your help." he says. Julaina stumbles forward toward Opa as another pain hits her. Jerissa blinks, her eyes snapping to Dwane. "Wha? Me?" she says nervously. She's only meant to be the transport. Dwane then turns to Julaina, "Sit. Conserve your energy..." Devin nods in a stupor, rumaging through packets and packages. He finds these and then hurries of for the water Julaina swallows hard and nods, looking for someplace safe to squat. Opa startles as Julaina grips her hand rather tightly, and looks back helplessly towards the healer as she seems unable to move around to do his bidding. Julaina says "The..the pains started this morning..."" Devin carries in a pot of hot water, looking to Dwane as to where he would like it. Julaina finds her way to the birthing table. Opa gets dragged along to the birthing table. Julaina gasps and groans...It's....something's happening!!!" She's almost in a frenzied panic at this point. Opa whirls towards Julaina and stares, gesticulating with only one hand, since the other is just about written off at this point. "What? What?" Dwane nods, recognising Opa's plight. He begins washing his hands in redwort, "Thankyou." he says to Devin, "Just on the bench here. Did you hear those herbnames? Could you find them for me?". he looks to Jerissa, "Yes you Jerissa. Knife. Birthing furs. ." Julaina huh huhs woosh woosh and grunts. Dwane looks to Julaina, "Sit!" he points. he looks to Opa. "Stay with her. Make her sit. You have been in a birthing before? Do you know how she has to breath?" Jerissa flickers her glance to Julaina, her nose wrinkling. Still watching she makes her ways to some cupboards, opening them, shutting them, until finally she finds what Dwane is looking for. She carries them over, plonks them down and hurridly moves, this time a little further away. Julaina starts sniffling and crying "Anngngn Make it stop!!!".... Devin oocly is having trouble shutting down a chemical furnace and needs to go into the lab to try and do it manually... brb Opa shakes her head in multiple rapid shiggles. "'ve never been this *close* to a woman in labour before..." Her eyes flick to the knife that Jerissa lays down for Dwane. "What's *that* for?!" Julaina huff huff huffs and puff puff puffs. Gilda's Fair continue humming, although Precious peeks out from under Sky's wing to make sure Julaina's not dying. Julaina says "And the water broke this afternoon....huff huff." Dwane makes up the mug of Tea, "Here, make her drink this. It is hot, and will taste bad, but we can't do anythign about that now." Julaina looks desperately over at Dwane..."Wha..what should I do?!" Dizzy bounds out of *between* and quickly finds an ideal landing place. Dwane he hands the cup to Opa. Gilda's Fair hum in unison, looking over at the new arrival. Dwane loosk to Julaina, "Why, give birth my friend. and you are doing it well at the moment." he says, his hands now clean and sterile. "Now, lay back, I need to examine you for any problems..." Opa takes the cup and turns to Julaina, instructing her to sit in her best 'do it or you'll be darning socks for the rest of your days' voice. She doesn't, however, give her the cup, but straightens. "I'm not giving her this unless you tell me what that knife is for." Julaina is all confused, what with people telling her to sit and lay back simultaneously, but decides to obey Dwane. Julaina lays back on the birthing table. Dwane looks to Opa, "I will explain if I have to use it, Okay?" Julaina cries out once again. Julaina whoosh whoosh breathes and begins bearing down. Opa looks torn, worried, confused, and just stares at Dwane for a few moments. Finally, her concentration broken by Julaina's cry, she nods reluctantly and turns to give Julaina the cup. Julaina lets out a cry that could take the paint off the walls.. Dwane moves to a draw and removes a narrow looking instrument and a glowtube. He places them on a tray then moves to Julaina's side. Opa swallows and stares at Dwane, then nervously looks away. "Isn't there some better place for me to be?" Julaina rocks her sweaty head from side to side..."Make it stop!!!" Devin OOCly is back... Dwane says "You need to breath in a pattern, my friend." he says, trying to hold the womans attention, "You can't stop now, you have to go with it. The hold healer should have shown you how to breath, did he?" Julaina nods. "T..Tess told me..." She tries to be obedient and breathe as instructed. Devin moves to Julaina, and though warrily, offers her his hand. Dwane nods, and looks to Opa, "We need you, she needs people to encourage her." Phyx comes in quietly from the hallway. Dwane nods to Julaina, "Thats it, concenrate on breathing. You doing well. Now, Tess also showed you when to push?" Opa swallows again. "But I...I'm hardly the person...I mean, Devin here is the one for encouragement..." Julaina huuh huuh huuh wooosh wooosh woooshes and PUSHES!, eyes closed tight, jaw locked. Devin murmurs softly to Julaina, "C'mn love..." smiling, half in love, half in pain himself as his hand is crushed once more. Dwane looks to Devin, trying to judge if the main will stay concious through the birthing. He looks to Opa, "She needs all the support she can get." he says, moving the the end of the birthing cot and rasing the stirrups. Julaina says "Duh, don't leave...mmme...Oooopa." Opa looks resistant, but the doctrine of listening to a healer in a medical situation, drummed into her since her early Turns, wins out, but she doesn't look thrilled. She finds something very interesting to look at on the ceiling as Dwane fiddles with the stirrups. "I can't believe this..." Devin winces as Julaina's pressure incerases, but his soothing words continue dispite Dwane checks the womans dilation, "Okay. It is definatly time." he says. Opa eyes nearly bug out of her head as she sees how healers check dilation. Her glance turns to Julaina. Opa's eyes, even. Devin braces himself for Julaina's next push. Dwane looks to Jerissa, "Got those furs ready?" He takes up the knife and does soemthign quickly with it out of view. Julaina huff huff huff whoosh whoosh whooshes and PUSHES! grunting not unlike a porcin. Dwane says "Thats it Julaina! Push!" Gilda's Fair flutter about, calming each other from their perch and humming. Jerissa blinks. Oh her again, right. She picks them up from a top and takes a few hestitant steps towards Dwane. Devin nearly screams himself, as Julaina clenches tightly. Rahmee gets in on the act, too, her own throaty hum melding harmoniously with that of the fair. Julaina screams bloody murder as the first head begins to appear. Julaina says "I..I...I CAN'T!!!...." Dwane calls, "Keep going Julaina! I can see the head! Keep pushing. Jerissa, the furs." Julaina begins to sob and push and puff all at once. A fine fuzz of blonde hair covers this newborn's head. She seems to readily adjust to her new environment, opening her large lavender blue eyes even before she fully clears the birth canal. She coos and then sucks calmly on her right thumb, curling her delicate limbs up comfortably to soak in her new surroundings. Opa stares, totally enthralled, unaware that she is squeezing Julaina's other hand in encouragement. Jerissa wanders closer and nigh on dumps the furs near Dwane's hands, before moving quickly back, a lock of pure horror on her face. Julaina huff huff huffs in agony. Devin blinks, his eyes wide as he watches. Dwane makes sure the birthing cord is not tangled, and supports the child. With a glance at Jerissa he decided not ask her, but asks Devlin insteed, "I need you to cut the bithing cord." he says. The firstborn lets out a soft series of cries, clearing her passages. Devin nods slowly and frees himself carefully from Julaina, "Um.. er.. how?" Dwane check the childs airways, wrapping it gently as he supports it, and shows Devin where to cut. Julaina seems to relax only slightly as the pressure has eased off some. Opa wrinkles her nose at the sight of the baby, all covered with birthing fluids, but she's still fascinated. "Oh my..." she murmurs. Julaina looks down..."What is it? A boy?!" Devin delicately cuts the cord, almost in awe. Dwane places the child on Juliana's belly, "Your daughter." he says after he ties the cord off. Dwane does other post birth stuff best not detailed. Julaina swallows, trying to catch her breath and coos at the girl, blinking at Devin lovingly. Opa relaxes, letting go of Julaina's hand and watching the new baby girl. Devin touches the childs cheek lightly, smiling in disbelief. Jerissa looks over at Julaina, blinking rapidly as a hand reaches out to her own stomach. Julaina smiles. "A girl. From Julaina's clothing, Jannea has arrived. Phyx jumps up suddenly, and disappears -=between=-. Julaina is still enthralled, but starts to moan again as the next baby starts to make its way into the world... Dizzy with a quick flapping of wings takes off and disappears *between*. Opa startles as Julaina's cries of pain start up again. "What is it? Whats wrong?" Opa +' Julaina huffs and puffs....crying from the pain. Dwane looks to Opa, "There is another child, as we expected..." Devin retakes Julaina's hand, "She is beautiful love... it won't be long now before this is over..." Julaina cries out as Opa's jaw drops open, and she turns to stare at Devin and Julaina with a look of disbelief. "There's *what*?" Dwane looks to Devin, "You may wish to hold the child now.." he says. Gilda's Fair hummmmm proudly as the firstborn proves to be healthy and continue their harmony for the next clutchling. Dwane checks and curses quietly, "Make her finsih that tea!" he orders. Julaina huff huff huffs and weakly raises her head to take some tea. Dwane says "It will help with the pain, Julaina!" Devin takes Jannea, and cuddles her close... Julaina finishes the tea and groans in agony as the next one fails to cooperate in the process. Julaina says "Wha..what's wrong?!? huff" Devin caresses little Jannea's head murmuring to her softly as he watches Julaina. Julaina tries to get a view of what's going on, only to pale at the amount of blood from the first one. Dwane looks to the mother, "Your next child is a little confused. Lay back down!" he says sharply, "Trust me Julaina." Dwane adds, a little more gently. Julaina huff huffs and lies back. Opa's eyes go wide and she moves back to give the healer room. Julaina starts to cry in fear between the groans. Dwane takes the instrument he fetched before and puts it to good use, trying to turn the babies head toward the thigh. He looks to Opa, "Talk to her!" Dwane works quickly and with precise practiced movements, sure of what needs to be done and how to do it. Opa swallows convulsively and turns to Julaina, patting her hand. "Shh, Julaina, it's okay..." she tries. Julaina begins to sob....ow oww owww OWWW! What's wrong!? Devin looks at Julaina in dire concern, holding Jannea close. Dwane looks up, "The child is coming out backwards, my friend. It will hurt just a little more, but it is nothign to worry about." he says. Gilda's Fair raise their voices in a fevered pitch. This newborn is slightly larger than his sister and seems determined to enter the world backwards (perhaps a sign of things to come?). Upon emerging from his mother's womb, he promptly lets out a howl of protest, arms and legs wiggling furiously. All of his screaming gives his skin a reddish hue against a shock of black hair and a pair of turquoise blue eyes. While he is perfectly formed, you can't help chuckling to yourself as you notice that his ears stick out visibly on either side of his head. This fellow's definitely going to be a handful... Julaina smiles as she hears the crying...Is..Is it okay?! Julaina looks to Devin for reassurance. Dwane eases the second child out, support it's weight and checking its airways as it emerges. "/He/ is fine... The cord?" he asks Devin. Devin murmurs, "He?.... a .. son?"... Dwane smiles to the proud mother, "Another fine and health child, Julaina." Opa shakes her head in disbelief, letting go of Julaina's hand weakly. Julaina smiles weakly, but proudly. Devin nearly forgets but quickly cuts the cord, "You have a new brother little one he whispers to Jannea" Dwane places the child on Julaina's stomach gently. Julaina puts her hand on her still swollen stomach, reaching for the baby and catching her breath. From Julaina's clothing, Kiefer has arrived. Dwane does more post birth stuff, check Julaina, and looks up, " think there is another." he says. Devin looks to Dwane, wondering if he may hold his son.... Julaina furrows her brow..."There's something wrong!!.... Devin blinks, "Another...?" Julaina panicks. Gilda's Fair begin creeling in concern. Dwane looks to Opa and Devin, "Talk to her, be with for her. Calm her down." Julaina cries out, pushing again. Opa looks rather as if she needs calming down herself. She mutely takes Julaina's hand again, but isn't of much more help than that. Devin kneels down to Julaina's side, "Shhh love.. it will be over soon, come on love.. Julaina pushes and pushes, and seems to have a much easier time this time. The head of the next baby begins to show. Silent and still, this newborn is smaller and less developed than his siblings. His coloring is an unhealthy greyish purple and his eyes are closed. Julaina groans with relief and waits for the newborn's cry. Dwane readies the next set of furs. He pales as the baby emerages, and quicky wraps it and cuts the cord himself, coverign the child. "I.. I am sorry." he says. Julaina looks tentitively at Opa, then Devin. "What what?! Devin cuddles Kiefer and his sister, before looking up, "Whats wrong?" Jerissa frowns as she watches. She has to go through this? Yikes. She notices the covering and frowns more. Dwane wraps the child in another layer of furs, blocking the view. Devin stands up,"Whats wrong?" Julaina looks panicky at Devin. "What's wrong!?!" Dwane takes a deep breath, "This child is not breathing, It did develop." he says quietly. Devin stares at Dwane, unsure of what to say... Dwane +not Dwane loosk pained, "You have two health children, my friends. Concenrate on them." Julaina starts to cries in big sobs..."Ohhh noooo..." Opa, half-risen to take a look at the third child, falls back in the seat dejectedly. "No..." Jerissa quietly looks around, face blanking and going white under the tan. Unsure of words or feelings she turns and quickly dashes from the room. Dwane * acks and @baps his typist. Jerissa tip toes out into the hallway. Julaina cries and leans over toward Opa, as Devin's arms are occupied. Devin blinks, shaking slightly, as he hold Kiefer and Jannea close to him. Dwane looks to Devlin, "Give her one of the children." he says. Opa mutely holds Julaina, giving her awkwardly comforting pats. Devin turns to Julaina, "..Love.. " he says softly... carefully handing her Kiefer... From Julaina's clothing, Kiefer has arrived. Julaina turns and holds her arms about her precious son. Dwane places the bundle of furs out of sight, and does more post birth stuff, stitching the mother and cleaning her up, and eventually applying numbweed. Julaina coos at the tiny boy, holding him tight. Devin kneels down before Julaina, cuddling little Jannea. Julaina looks up at Devin. "He'll have your eyes, mark my words." From Julaina's clothing, Kiefer gurgles and stretches an arm, soothed by the voices of his parents. Opa, having been torn this way and that by tons of emotions, and suffering from adrenalin withdrawal, blacks out for a moment. Devin smiles lightly, and gently kisses Julaina.