People of the Weavercrafthall

The following is the most up-to-date list of the PC population of the Weavercrafthall. Some links leading to players' home pages or character histories are available. If you would like to be included in this list, there is a form you can fill out with the relevant information.

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Weavercrafthall Population

Masters | Journeyrankers | Apprentices | Staff & Residents | Retired Weavers | Ex-Weaverhall Members

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o Craftmaster Varina, Weaving subcraft
o Craftsecond Broccal
o Craftsecond Nalaya, Weaving subcraft, journeying the Western Area
o Mastertailor Jorai, posted to the Beastcrafthall
o Fiona, Fibremaking subcraft



o Aldren, Journeyrank Tailor


o Betsie, Journeyrank Dyer
o Iyles, journeying the Central Area
o Penelope, the Weavercraft's robot


o Haldi, Journeyrank Dyer, journeying the Fort Area
o Kymer, Journeyrank Dyer
o Tarma, Journeyrank Weaver



o Cyllan, Apprentice Tailor
o Deresh, Apprentice Tailor
o Elorana
o Itzhak, Apprentice Tailor
o Maarle, Apprentice Fibremaker
o Morayne
o Ninali
o Pelar
o Riessa
o Ylana
o Zerra


o Aldona
o Amina, Apprentice Dyer
o Farilan
o Felina
o Gailet
o Jeran
o Kelay
o Madelaine, assigned to High Reaches Hold
o Mariana
o Maura
o Rialeah


o Alia
o Cygna
o Fiannalys
o Janie
o Lirika
o Tors

Staff and Residents

o Allory, Smith
o Dione, Woodsmith
o Firn, Fiona's daughter
o Jaiya, child of Varina
o Jekar, support staff (drudge supervisor)
o Kelena, child of Cleona
o Krystaline, Baker
o Orinoco, Starsmith
o Ros, Baker
o Tig, Miner
o Uma, Harper
o Vyren, Herder

Retired Weavers

o Cleona, retired Craftsecond
o Lenore, retired Craftmaster
o Maryse, retired Craftmaster
o Opa, retired Craftmaster
o Zelez, retired Mastertailor

Ex-Weavercrafthall Members

Still Played Online

o Cathedra, rider of blue Nemanth at Igen Weyr, once a paying student
o D'thon, rider of blue Wroxath at Telgar Weyr, once Apprentice
o Gabrielle, rider of green Esyth at High Reaches Weyr, once support staff
o Jacella, rider of green Phaeth at Ista Weyr, once Journeyrank
o Wingleader Lecil, rider of green Nerilth at Igen Weyr, once Apprentice (honorary Journeyrank)
o Mairin, now at Fort Weyr
o Lady Nynaeve of Benden Hold, once Journeyrank Tailor
o Fort Weyrwoman Vivian, rider of gold Rialeth

Inactive or Deceased

o Faile, ex-junior apprentice
o Julaina, ex-Mastertailor
o Pandat, ex-Craftmaster

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Imagemap adapted from artwork in the Dragonlover's Guide to Pern, page 146, by Todd Cameron Hamilton and James Clouse