s with any Ravenloft game, encounters in Arkandale should not illogical run-ins with monsters, but carefully constructed scenes to enhance drama or story. The following list includes creatures that might be found in Arkandale. It is meant to be neither comprehensive nor absolute; rather it should serve as a general guideline for constructing adventures in Arkandale. Monsters included here fit the mood and themes of the domain. Other creatures may certainly be present, particularly those from surrounding domains.
The notations after each monster indicate the source of the entry:
MM=Monstrous Manual
RLMC1=Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium Appendix Vol. I
RLMC3=Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium Appendix Vol. III
MCA1=Monstrous Compendium Annual Vol. I
MCA2=Monstrous Compendium Annual Vol. II
MCA3=Monstrous Compendium Annual Vol. III
FRMC1=Forgotten Realms Monstrous Compendium Appendix Vol. I
FRMC2=Forgotten Realms Monstrous Compendium Appendix Vol. II
MYSMC=Mystara Monstrous Compendium Appendiz
FFMC=Fiend Folio Monstrous Compendium Appendix
BoS=The Book of Souls Kargatane Netbook
Original material is linked to the related online monster entries on the Road.
Agarat (MYSTMC)
Algoid (FFMC)
Animator, Any (RLMC3)
Apparition (FFMC)
Bat, Common (MM)
Bat, Giant (MM)
Bear, Black (MM)
Beetle, Giant Water (MM)
Black Cock
Bruja (RLMC3)
Bussengeist (RLMC1)
Cat, Great, Mountain Lion (MM)
Centipede, Giant (MM)
Claw, Crawling (MM)
Coffer Corpse (FFMC)
Corpse Candle (RLMC3)
Crustacean, Giant, Crayfish (MM)
Crypt Thing (MM)
Doppleganger, Ravenloft (RLMC3)
Doppleganger Plant (RLMC1)
Fish, Catfish, Giant (MM)
Fish, Quipper (MM)
Fish, Subterranean, Irridescent Pecoe (MCA2)
Fish, Subterranean, Lemon Fish (MCA2)
Fish, Subterranean, Wattley (MCA2)
Fish, Verme (MCA2)
Foul Rat (BoS)
Frog, Giant (MM)
Fungus, Phycomid (MM)
Fungus, Violet (MM)
Gargoyle, Archer (MCA3)
Gargoyle, Grandfather Plaque (MCA3)
Geist (RLMC3)
Ghost (MM)
Ghostly Horde (MYSTMC)
Ghoul (MM)
Ghoul, Ghast (MM)
Ghoul Lord (RLMC1)
Golem, Doll (RLMC1)
Golem, Mechanical (RLMC1)
Golem, Stone (MM)
Gremishka (RLMC3)
Hag, Greenhag (MM)
Harrla (FRMC2)
Haunt (MM)
Hearth Fiend (RLMC3)
Hound, Phantom (RLMC3)
Impersonator (RLMC1)
Insect Swarm, Grasshopper (MM)
Ivy, Crawling (RLMC3)
Leech, Giant (MM)
Leech, Swarm (MM)
Lycanthrope, Loup-garou, Lowland (RLMC3)
Lycanthrope, Werebat (RLMC1)
Lycanthrope, Werebear (MM)
Lycanthrope, Werecoon
Lycanthrope, Werepossum
Lycanthrope, Wererat (MM)
Lycanthrope, Werespider (MCA3)
Lycanthrope, Werewolf (MM)
Men, Lost One (RLMC1)
Men, Madman (RLMC1)
Mold, Any (MM)
Mudman (MM)
Odem (RLMC3)
Phantom (MM)
Plant, Bloodrose (RLMC3)
Plant, Carnivorous, Black Willow (FRMC2)
Plant, Dangerous, Archer Bush (MYSTMC)
Plant, Dangerous, Boring Grass (MCA2)
Plant, Dangerous, Choke Creeper (MM)
Plant, Dangerous, Grab Grass (MYSTMC)
Plant, Dangerous, Snapper-Saw (MM)
Plant, Dangerous, Thorn-Slinger (MM)
Plant, Dangerous, Yellow Musk Creeper (MM)
Plant, Fearweed (RLMC3)
Plant, Intelligent, Hangman Tree (MM)
Plant, Vampire Moss (MCA1)
Poltergeist (MM)
Quevari (RLMC1)
Quickwood (RLMC1)
Rat, Giant (MM)
Remnant, Aquatic (RLMC3)
Revenant (MM)
Sheet Phantom (FFMC)
Skeleton, Giant (RLMC1)
Skuz (FRMC2)
Snake, Poisonous (MM)
Spectre (MM)
Spider, Huge (MM)
Spider, Large (MM)
Spirit, Odic (MYSTMC)
Treant, Evil (RLMC1)
Treant, Undead (RLMC1)
Troll, Freshwater Scrag (MM)
Turtle, Giant Snapping (MCA2)
Uncle Skeleton
Valpurgeist (RLMC1)
Vampire, Nosferatu (RLMC3)
Vampyre (RLMC1)
Voodan Zombie (BoS)
Web, Living (MCA3)
Widow, Red (RLMC1)
Wight (MM)
Will O'Dawn (RLMC3)
Will O'Wisp (MM)
Wolf (MM)
Zombie (MM)
Zombie, Cannibal (RLMC3)
Zombie Fog (RLMC3)
Zombie Lord (RLMC1)