The Land


icoban adventurers are actually quite common. Many Ricobans have a great interest in exploring new lands, serving the cause of goodness, or accumulating wealth and power. Other domains tend to look down on Ricobans as shifty zealots and criminals. Indeed, clerics of the Three Faiths sometimes make a nuisance of themselves when proselytizing in foreign lands, and Ricoban bandits and pirates are common throughout the Core. Still, this stereotype is undeserved, as Ricobans come from all walks of life.

Ricoban PC's may be nearly any character class. Only paragons are expressly forbidden. Some classes, such as psioncists and artistes, are fairly rare. All Ricobans automatically receive the local history proficiency, which gives them knowledge of the politics and courtly activities of their domain. All Ricoban priests and wizards also automatically receive the priestcraft and spellcraft proficiencies respectively.

