Practice Page for HTML tags and other text effects

Various HTML generators for message board postings
Code generator for basic HTML tags for message board
Email signature generator - using HTML Table code - banner - business card maker
Code generator for glow shadow dropshadow motion blur etc CSS tricks for message board posting
Code generatore for Rainbow Text - text maker n PHP n javascript generators
Complete web site generator php css html code for 2 column n header n footer layout


General tips and HTML tags for posting on message board or forum
Tips and tags for posting Image on Forum or message board
Browser color names - using legal color names instead of RGB and hex values
Font Tag - code to copy n paste to forum
Anchor Tag - code to copy n paste to forum
Table tags - code to copy n paste to forum
Bold, underline, etc tags - for use on message board or forum
Entities - special characters such tm, etc
Secret Tips - how to find - view code
Basic HTML tags for webpage
Scanner Tips - optimizing tips for web ready images

More Tutorials - complete list of various free tutorials from host and clients

Hosted by IBDhost

Contact Us Form w tutorial for creating contact form that hides email from spam robots

Valid XHTML 1.0!
Valid CSS

Rainbow Text Generators

Copy n Paste Code for Forum (message boards)

The HTML Rainbow Text generator in the top section of this page is a PHP script written for It is customized to help people post rainbow text in a forum or discussion / messages boards. (There are additional HTML generators on for people that want to generate HTML Signatures, Banners, etc)

The Javascript version of the Rainbow Text Maker was removed because there are MANY sizes (in google) that have the Javascript 'crap'.

Tips for use

After you finalize your design, copy n paste the HTML code into the forum, message board, etc. All the HTML code is basic and will work in a forum post as long as HTML is allowed on the forum.
Reminder: When saving this code in a .htm or .html file, do NOT add the head / body tags.

Input Text:

Text Settings: Size
BTW: The visitor must have the font face loaded (otherwise they will see their default font)
Color1 - Color2
Color3 - Color4
Color5 - Color6
Color7 - Color8

Caution: Use allowable color names from this page

Updated: Nov 28, 2005

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