Scully And 
Skinner:  Strong And Silent

Strong And Silent: The Scully Skinner Romance Page

Special Agent Dana Scully:
Strong, virtuous, brilliant.
Assistant Director Walter Skinner:
Silent, committed, principled.

Put them together and you have the most mature, adult couple never seen on TV. With her beauty and his quiet grace, they exemplify dignity, tenderness, forgiveness, commitment and love.

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To see these photographs undistorted and full-size, click on the thumbnail. These photographs are mostly manipulated by myself to achieve a shipper effect. As we all know, copyright is a fuzzy area on the web sometimes, even more so when we discuss manipulated images, which belong both to Fox, who own the base images for the pics, and the graphic artist who manipulates them. However, as the artist who has manipulated these images (unless otherwise stated), it is my preference that the images be used for private entertainment only. Those wishing to use them on a homepage are asked to mail me privately.

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Manipulated Images By Deslea R. Judd

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Untouched Images

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Fanfiction Covers By Deslea R. Judd

These fics can be found at the Fanfic Picks page.

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