The Crew: Main Page

Serenity Links: Under Construction

Costuming Ideas: Under Construction

Scavenger Hunt Pictures


The Black Arrow Brigade is a merry band of fun makers possessing a Rasta attitude toward life. We Aim to Misbehave and are Defiant by Nature. Our crew members are cavalier, have bravado and possess a dash of panache. To join us one must feel the need to be free!  We're all about having fun, helping when we can, and doing it all with style and concern for the earth. Our points captain is yumi, our co-captain is smgglr.  Smgglr has all the bright ideas.


Our Philosophy:

The Mod Ideal, a working class consciousness that stresses Independence, Fun and Fashion without loss of integrity or decent into the elitism of consumerism; unselfconscious solidarity and a dollop of non-sectarian concern for others.

The Crew Thread on on the browncoats board is where we check in occassionally, just to make sure we are all still there. You can contact our co-captains at: blackarrowbrigade at, or blackarrowbrigade, smgglr2001 or mysticlionart on YIM


Crew Update:

We've now found all of our scavenger items, thanks to participation by our shiny crew members. If we've read the instructions correctly we should be getting all of the points!  Three cheers for our crew!

Also, if you are a crew member, please send yumi your snail mail address to receive a free Black Arrow Brigade button or magnet. You can send her an email at

Serenity Theme Song

Countdown to Serenity: 1 day!