Welcome aboard, matey!

    I be Cap'n Clegg, the ol' Dead Pirate hisself. From 'ere I'll show ye the most fun ye can have in a weekend.

    When we ain't out lootin' an' pillagin', we can be found at a friendly port called MOC. Now, that would MAGNUM OPUS CON t' ye what ain't heared o' it. She comes off every March and October, near the end o' those months, and a sweeter crowd o' folks ye ain't likely t' meet. It be a right hospitable little group t' honest. seafarin' men the likes o' us. MOC be a sci/fi and fantasy con outa' Athens, Ga. The Governor there throws quite a party, invitin guests from all o'er, and hass all sorts o' games and activities. The food and libations are a banquet fit for a King or Queen, and ye'll find somethin' there t' yer likin', I shouldn't wonder.
    Now, bein' that we is friends wi' the Governor, we tries t' do aour humble part t' entertain, so we throws a big ol' bash there called The Dead Pirate's Party. The drink flows like a river goin out t' sea, and there's plebty o' food, in case yer inerds threaten mutiny. And we have some special events that ye'll find more about later. We be right right proud o' our little contribution t' MOC, and we'd be obliged if ye'd come around and give us a look see.
    Down below, ye'll see the pointers showin' ye the wat t' meet the cap'n's what sails under me flag. But don't stray from 'em. The last fella that went a wanderin' unannounced is below....

... well, the part I didn't feed to me sharks,, anyway. You don't want t' end up that way do ye? I didn't think so. Just follow the signs and ye'll come out alright. Off ye goes now....  Livleeee!!!