IceReaper's HomePage

Hello I'm IceReaper.
And welcome to my dungeon. Please forgive my doorman. He can be so over protective, sometimes. I have just recently moved to this place you other people call the web.
This is the only the first page of many that lies beyond. I will describe myself for anyone interseted.

Or if you really interested go see my picture.

My interests are:
Magic theGathering,Parties, Dates, Wild people, and Hot Mustangs andCool Trucks.

Check out my GundamWing Page

I Like D.B.Z.!
Check my DBZ Pages

My real interest is in Love because I am married and have a son named alex.

Ohh! By the way I hate Gordon!!!

Everyone gets pissed off (or on) once and a while though!

I Have a real close friendship with one Mr. Murphy, of Murphy's Law Fame.
Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. First corollary: If left to themselves, things tend to go wrong. Second corollary: Things to go wrong all at once.
Email me at

If you know MidKnight_Magic, here is a link to the punk's page.

I will be watching for you!

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