Okay, here's the scoop: I rarely update this "site." I am impolite and evil! You have been warned.

This site was last tinkered on Feb 17th, 2006. The QfG Dragon Fire point list was updated and completed, and formatting errors and e-mail addresses were corrected. (If my ambition--and "grounding"--continues I believe I will be adding more pages for the QfG sections of the site so that I can add the FAQs and point lists for all the games each on its own page to avoid the massive clutter and page length.)

[ BiA, BaK, RtK ] [ Quest for Glory ] [ Diablo II ] [ EverQuest ]
[ Obligatory About Me ] [ Mail Me ]

Fibro Hugs
Fibromyalgia survivors hand in hand, working together for fibro education and a cure.

Unless noted otherwise the contents of this site are the property of Perdita (C. D. Jackson) and cannot be used, in whole or part, without her express written consent.

�1999-2002 Perdita Productions