Anime Central 2000 Pics

I decided to go to Anime Central almost at the last moment, when I heard Lodoss War creator Ryo Mizuno was going to be there. Thus, didn't get much done in the way of new costumes as I was busy taking in ones I had already made. There were lots of nice costumes and one I absolutely loved that I tried to get a good picture of. On with the pictures...

Page 1 - Fushigi Yuugi

Page 2 - Slayers, Lodoss & others

Page 3- Utena, Miyu, Sailor Moon & more

Page 4 - Card Captor Sakura, Rayearth, El Hazard, Escaflowne

Page 5 - Godzilla, Pre-cosplay shots among others

Page 6 - Trigun, Final Fantasy & more

Page 7 - Guests

After you look at the pictures, you can visit Melissa's Anime Fanart Page or you can go back to my main page at Melissa's Convention Pictures.

Site maintained by Melissa Wilson