Animazement 2000 Pics

Animazement is over but had a lot of fun. I cohosted a cel collecting panel (unfortunately scheduled against Yuu Watase's Saturday panel), got about 9 cels signed, got 4 sketches and debutted my Nuriko as Kourin in court robes costume. This was the first costume I did that wasn't totally hand sewn.

Page 1 - Fushigi Yuugi

Page 2 - Fushigi Yuugi & Others

Page 3- Utena

Page 4 - Card Captor Sakura, Ah My Goddess & More

Page 5 - Kenshin, El Hazard, Escaflowne & More

Page 6 - Sailor Moon, Lodoss, Ranma, etc

Page 7 - Guests & some Cosplay award pics

After you look at the pictures, you can visit Melissa's Anime Fanart Page or you can go back to my main page at Melissa's Convention Pictures.

Site maintained byMelissa Wilson