New York, 1983, and Professor Jonathon Chase uses his unique talents to help the police fight crime. One minute a man, and the next...


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Heart Of The Tiger
Jonathon encounters a gang experimenting with transmutation


Interlude In Eagle Falls
Jonathon goes to help Brooke when she vanishes whilst escorting a witness


Friends And Old Enemies
A visit from an old enemy of Jonathon's means trouble for the team


The Lake Of Ghosts
An old friend of Jonathon's grandfather asks for help


Touch Of The Snake
Jonathon and Ty meet a beautiful thief involved with a crooked cop


For those of you who are interested in such things, Manimal ran for eight episodes in 1983, before being cancelled, largely due to cost. For more information about the show, go to the Miscellaneous Links Page, where there are a few sites listed. If anybody knows of any other pages somewhere, drop me a line.

Okay... finally got to see the show again at last (only took 21 years!), so the memory holes have been filled in. I think I did pretty well actually, if you discount the 'JC' slip up... well, Brooke called him Jonathon, so it's not that big a mistake...! And the having to sneak in a quick story where Lieutenant Rivera found out about Jonathon, because I forgot that he wasn't supposed to know...

As always I am happy to hear from anyone who enjoyed the show, anyway, even if I don't have to look for information anymore. There are only eight little episodes, so they have to be properly honoured!

NEW! - Manimal Episode Guide!


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