A just for fun little ficlet in honor of the DVD release :) No ownership, profit, etc and so forth But What About-? By: Cousin Mary Lacroix paced in front of the eager group of 'Forever Knight' fans. So engrossed were they with their newly purchased DVDs they had failed to notice his presence. He watched them, in small groups of twos or threes, ooing and awing over the small, shiny boxes. The first season was out. "Hey!" Explained a blond near the back of the cavernous room. "Why isn't Tracy in this?" There was a mumble of agreement from a group near the door. Lacroix sneered and cleared his throat, "Miss Vetter wasn't in the first two seasons." The blonde frowned, the frown turned to a pout and she sat with a huff on the ground, staring at the DVD. "Wait a minute!" A red head near the bar shouted, "Where's that scene where Vachon and Nat have that heart to heart in 'Fatal Mistake?' That was my favorite scene!" Lacroix growled, "Javier Vachon was not introduced until the 3rd season. There was no 'heart to heart' with Dr. Lambert." A timid looking girl holding a rat doll slowly raised her hand, but after a stern look from the Roman, she lowered it. "Have you all gone so long without seeing the episodes that you've forgotten what's real and imagined?" Lacroix snarled, "Has the line between episodes and fan fiction become so blurred?" There was no immediate response, but her could hear the crowd mumbling. "But what about when Urs and Janette met?" "Nick rode his motorcycle outside, I'm sure I remember seeing that!" "Didn't Tracy and Miklos go out?" "Are you -sure- Schanke and Screed didn't meet?" "What do you mean Alma wasn't a lounge singer?!" Lacroix glared at the mass of fans, barely keeping his fangs in check. It was certainly a good thing the DVDs had begun to come out, the lines had indeed become blurred. And with a swoop of his long coat, he was gone. >>>>>>>>>>>> That was fun :) anteros@juno.com