Otherwhere? : Zombie fan site
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I am called Starcrossed. This is my fanpage dedicated to one of the greatest movies of all time, Dawn of the Dead. This is to show my love of zombies and the horror genre.I am a total dope when it comes to technology so bare with me on this. I am trying!

links to other sites:
Official Dawn of the Dead Website
Dawn of the Dead (2004) is released March 19th, 2004
Zombie Army :Official Dawn of the Dead Fansite
State of Emergency:Tell a Friend Before Its too late
Pictures from Dawn of the Dead 2004
Official Dawn of the Dead Trailer
More Pictures from Dawn 2004
Wraith: Death has claimed you, but you can not move
on just yet. Something has kept you from moving
on to your final destination. Even in death,
you still have ways of affecting and
communicating with the living, however your
resources are rather limited. The only way for
you to continue your shadow of an existence is
to feed off the negative emotions of others,
and/or to receive energy from the ties that
keep you tethered to this mortal realm. These
ties are your life blood, your true treasure,
and you would guard them with every fiber of
your being when needed to.

What type of World of Darkness Creature Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Zombie Infection Simulation
Brainfood's Zombie Puzzle Game
IMDB's Dawn of the Dead MessageBoard
CHUD's Dawn of the Dead Message Board
E-Card to join Zombie Army
ZombieUk's DotD game
Pterdactyl's Zombie killing game
XnMeX's Zombie killing game
Evil_E's Profile
Tzimice's Profile
Micky3g's Profile
Upcominhorrormovies' Profile
DawnoftheDave's Profile
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