the links of Howard

SciFi and Horror

  1. The Creature from the Black Lagoon
  2. Count Floyd's Movie News
  3. A Vincent Price Tribute
  4. The Alfred Hitchcock Page
  5. Mad Martian Museum of Modern Madness
  6. The Tingler 
  7. Dermatology in Cinema (fun with skin)
  8. The Astounding B Monster (B movie directory)
  9. Lobster Man from Mars (the web site)
  10. The Ed Wood homepage
  11. The Ray Harryhausen Page
  12. Hammer House of Horror
  13. The Sci-Fi Channel
  14. The Dr Who Page
  15. The Gamera Homepage
  16. The Lost in Space Page
  17. Typhoid Marry's Asylum
  18. Pssst. Wanna buy a corpse?
  19. The Caverns of Blood
  20. The Page That Dripped Blood
  21. H.P. Lovecraft in the Movies
  22. The Virtual Cemetary
  23. Famous Monsters of Filmland (zine)
  24. Wholesale Slaughter 
  25. Hate Pages

  26. Wal-Mart Sucks
  27. The Scott Mitchell Sucks page
  28. Into the Purple Abyss (aka. Day of the Barney)
  29. The I Hate Mayonnaise Club
  30. Papa Smurf Is A Communist
  31. The Anti-Clown Page
  32. P.A.P. People against poodles
  33. Bert is Evil!
  34. Cruel Site of the Day
  35. The Waiter's Revenge Page!
  36. David Hasselhoff is the AntiChrist
  37. I HATE frames (really doesn't like frames!)
  38. Why Windows 95 Sucks
  39. 38 ways to kill Barney 
  40. Plant and Animal Links

  41. The World's Most Award Winning Dog
  42. The Muppet Cult
  43. Tuna Free!
  44. The Flea News
  45. The Great Carrot Conspiracy
  46. The Sea Monkey Worship Page
  47. The Scary Multiplying Bunny Page
  48. Insecta - all about bugs
  49. Dances with Llamas
  50. The Psychic Ant Pharm (visit this whole site)
  51. Amazing Prehistoric Dogs
  52. Creature Chronicles
  53. Chipmunks NOW!
  54. Scary Squirrel World
  55. Stupid Sheep
  56. Joel's Gizmonic Antsite
  57. The Bunny Cult's Homepage 
  58. The Cow Liberation Army Faction
  59. Nessie on the Net (Loch Ness, Scotland)
  60. The Infamous Exploding Whale
  61. Foam Bath Fish Time
  62. Pig Decoy Carving
  63. The Chia Pet Zoo
  64. The Mr Edible Starchy Tubor Head Page
  65. Spud's Travels (a traveling potato head) 
  66. Bonsai Kitten
  67. Self Improvement

  68. Ask Bruno
  69. AAA Cookie Cutter Page
  70. Let The Institute of Celestial Sciences change your sign.
  71. The Home Lobotomy Site
  72. Hate Mail in a Box
  73. A Word A Day (expand your vocabulary)
  74. 50 Fun Things for Professors to Do

  75. on the First Day of Class
  76. Online Shrink
  77. The web site for paranoids
  78. Learn to curse in Swedish
  79. The Bob Dobbs oracle page
  80. The Psychic Chicken Network
  81. Biorhythmic Compatability Test 
  82. Web Community Services

  83. Perpetual Bubblewrap!
  84. Pun of the Day
  85. Lloyd's World of Haggis
  86. IRAMISU - Cartoons
  87. Jobs That Suck! 
  88. The Sinkie Homepage
  89. The Urban Legends Archive
  90. Chatterbox
  91. The ultimate BOSS page
  92. The Guys vs the Girls Burping Contest
  93. The Useless Information Home Page
  94. Free Tees
  95. WWWF Grudge Match
  96. The Virtual Bar
  97. The Death Clock
  98. The Survey (please help them)
  99. The NewsLetter
  100. Give Virtual Beer
  101. The Vent vent your gripes
  102. Slanguages (learn a local dialect)
  103. Cyberville Radio
  104. Star Seeker Entertainment Guide
  105. Andrew's Free Stuff Page
  106. The Kooks Museum
  107. Ask Wally
  108. Switchboard - Find anyone! 
  109. Internet Accessible Coke Machine Listing
  110. They found the real UnaBomber
  111. Ask Mr. Bad Advice!
  112. How Far is it? (distance calculator)
  113. The Virtual Pet Cemetery 
  114. Political, Government and News Links

  115. The Onion - News 
  116. This is True (weird e-news) 
  117. The FBI HomePage (check out their top 10)
  118. The White House
  119. Netizen
  120. NASA HomePage
  121. ACLU Online
  122. Banned Books OnLine
  123. National Public Radio
  124. Photo District News 
  125. Computer and Nerd Stuff

  126. Bob's Geek Show Maps
  127. Software Jumbo
  128. The Cheat Zone (game cheats)
  129. The Head Shop - Internet Head Storage Facility
  130. The Webmonkey (toys for nerd-surfers)
  131. Berkley Systems (AfterDark)
  132. NetBuyer (huge catalog)
  133. Sierra Online (games)
  134. Symantec Software Norton Anti-Virus
  135. Killer Fonts
  136. Screen Saver Heaven
  137. Maxis Homepage 
  138. Sausage Software - HotDog Web Editor (my favorite)
  139. Volition Home Page (free stuff) 
  140. Science Links

  141. SETI screen saver
  142. Nuclear Blast Mapper
  143. Wacky Patents 
  144. Glubco
  145. Dr Nimbus Singing Corner
  146. The Bureau of Atomic Tourism
  147. My dog Sparky
  148. The Levitated Cheerio Experiment
  149. The NeoScience Institute
  150. Save Our Gravity
  151. Brains, brains and more brains
  152. Bizarre Stuff You Can Make in Your Kitchen
  153. The Backyard Archaeologist
  154. The Weather Channel
  155. How to build an Atom Bomb
  156. Strange Science
  157. Cryptozoology (the web site)
  158. Bunny Survival Tests Home Page
  159. Weird Stuff You Can Do at Home Page
  160. Abandoned Missile Base VR Tour 
  161. Molecular Magnetism and Levitation - With frogs!
  162. Launching Stuff With Liquid Nitrogen
  163. The Visible Human Project
  164. RPI Plasma Dynamics Lab - home of the can crusher
  165. Museum of Questionable Medical Devices 
  166. The T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S. Project
  167. Matchstick Rockets
  168. CERN European laboratory for particle physics (the birth place of the web)
  169. Fun with Grapes - It's science! 
  170. Using liquid oxygen for charcoal starter 
  171. Strawberry Pop-Tart blowtorch
  172. Beard research
  173. Homepage Pregnancy Test
  174. Real Aroma for web sites
  175. Cow Eye Dissection (step by step) 
  176. Cool Pages

  177. The EggZone!
  178. The Realm of Niftyness
  179. Parakeets Ate My Condo
  180. Potatoland
  181. Elves in Black
  182. P.O.I.points of interest
  183. Rosemary West's Weird Web World
  184. Castles on the Web
  185. Spanky's World
  186. The Dr Science HomePage
  187. Dr Science radio show clips
  188. The CyberMom (zine) 
  189. News of the Weird
  190. StrangeMag - zine
  191. The Gigaplex
  192. The Dominion - Home of the SciFi network.
  193. The Burrito Page 
  194. Just Plain Different

  195. It's not funny unless someone loses an eye
  196. Strange Fun - stuff
  197. Hissyfit
  198. Beach Blanket Babylon
  199. The Pit
  200. Joe's Home Page
  201. Walter Miller's Home page
  202. Wally Glenn's Web Site
  203. Fire Woman's Homepage
  204. The Award No-one Has
  205. Bambi Killers Page
  206. The World of Cheese
  207. oo 
  208. The Paranoid Cableman
  209. The Beeper Boutique These people are sick!
  210. The Bureau of Missing Socks
  211. Patio of the Damned
  212. The James T. Kirk Sing-a-long Page
  213. Juxtapositions (for fun and profit)
  214. Prozak Pez World (beats where I live)
  215. The Nose Pages
  216. The Yuckiest Site on the Internet
  217. The Corporation 
  218. Dead People Server 
  219. Web Cameras

  220. The Oval Office Cam
  221. The Ghost Watcher
  222. The PizzaCornerCam!
  223. Live from Paris
  224. The Amazing Fish Cam
  225. Interactive Model Railroad
  226. Almost Amazing Turtle Cam
  227. Mawson Base, Antarctica (the polar cam) 
  228. Fun Pages

  229. The Nonsense Storybook
  230. Big Head's Amazing Comic Strip Adventure Game
  231. The C*E*A 
  232. Wymsey Village Web
  233. Rock Paper Scissors the strategy guide
  235. Tracey's Fart Farm
  237. Brain Candy (jokes & games)
  238. Bob's Fridge Door
  239. Sluggy Freelance (comic strip)
  240. The GeckoPlex (lots of fun)
  241. TooMuchCoffeeMan !!!
  242. Spear's Specialty Clown Shoes (custom made)
  243. The Matrix Humor Archive
  244. Interactive History of the Wiener Mobile 
  245. The Q-Tip homepage
  246. The URL says it all
  247. Up Front (lot's of stuff)
  248. Deb and Jen's Land O' Useless Facts
  249. The Barking Spider (fun page!)
  250. Cool Site of the Day
  251. Useless Pages 
  252. Lots of free video clips 
  253. Suck
  254. The Funny Side of India
  255. The Riddler Page
  256. Looney Tunes Karaoke
  257. The "How Bored Are You" Game 
  258. Stupid Web Page Tricks

  259. Dance of the Hamsters
  260. The Bad Pickup Line Server
  261. The Reindeer Shooting Game - shockwave
  262. The Official Red and Blue Site
  263. surreal-a-tron 8000
  264. Punch me Elmo
  265. Pass the Pigs (game)
  266. Alex Warp
  267. The Frost-o-Matic snowman maker
  268. Tickle me Yoda
  269. The Band-Aid Applet
  270. Art Crimes - The Writing on the Wall 
  271. Lee's (Useless) Super-Hero Generator
  272. GROGG the prehistoric answer man
  273. CleverMedia Shockwave Arcade
  274. Whack-a-Geek(game)
  275. Zippy says Yow! (???)
  276. The Valley URL Page
  277. I, Rearrangement Servant
  278. The Incredible Headless Dancin' Stickman
  279. The Animated Necker Cube
  280. Turn yourself into Elvis

  281. (the finest Elvis simulation on the web)
  282. The Maze (Dick's ever-expanding maze)
  283. Virtual MAZE (Lots of detail)
  284. Arabian Insult Server
  285. The Big Green Button - I'm hooked.
  286. The Absolutely Incredible Counting Page
  287. nFX Cartoon-O-matic
  288. The really big button that doesn't do anything
  289. The Zippy Filter for Web Pages
  290. The Information Supercollider
  291. Internet in a Baby
  292. Abuse-A-Tron
  293. The Internet Squeegee Guy
  294. Build a Custom Monster
  295. Quotes from the Perfect Man
  296. PhoNETic - convert phone numbers to words 
  297. TV and Movies

  298. TrailerVision
  299. The Partridge Family Temple
  300. Cult Cuts Movie Magazine
  301. The Adam West Page (with Batcave)
  302. Driveways of the Rich & Famous
  303. The Get Smart Page
  304. The Unofficial Brady Bunch Home Page
  305. Celebrity Addresses (web guide)
  306. Defunct Sitcom Clips
  307. TV Bytes ( TV theme songs)
  308. The Advertising Graveyard
  309. Country Stars
  310. Warner Brothers Online 
  311. Cultural Places

  312. 75 years of Band-Aid
  313. The Great God Contest!
  314. The Random World of Zang
  315. Wacky Packages
  316. Joan Stark's ASCII Art Gallery
  317. The Book of Clichés
  318. UGek Magazine
  319. Great Mobile Homes of Mississippi
  320. Grave Times
  321. Jeffrey Zeldman Presents (zine)
  322. the Lunar Embassy (extraterrestrial real estate)
  323. The Black Piano and Alan
  324. The International MPEG Bizarre 1st Film Festival 

  325. (I'M B1FF)
  326. The Online Experimental Animation Festival
  327. Ronan's Online Karaoke Page
  328. As the Web Turns
  329. The amazing RUBBERBAND ball
  330. License Plates of the World
  331. Mardi Gras Headquarters
  332. Bob Links (nothin but Bob Dylan links)
  333. The Talking Heads Page
  334. Empty Trash Talk
  335. Vomitus Maximus Museum
  336. Scratch & Sniff Theater
  337. Rocktropolis
  338. The little-read fine print on Acme products
  339. The Dark Side of PEZ
  340. The SPAM Haiku Archive
  341. The Worlds LARGEST Links Page
  342. The Haunted House Bank - AVI (Set your video player's zoom to 200%)

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