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Do you have a Planet Of The Apes site? Then join the webring. Simply fill in the below form and paste the HTML code on your page. You will be given a site ID to fill in the HTML gaps with when you submit the form. You will be joined into the webring as soon as I see you have the HTML pasted. If you have any questions, e-mail me or you can use the form at the bottom of this page.
Here is the HTML code you will need to paste onto your page. Get it all and be sure to fill in the required spaces:
<!--Begin ape Code-->
<p align="center"><font size="1"><i>This </i></font><a
size="1"><i>Planet Of The Apes</i></font></a><font size="1"><i>
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<!--End ape Code-->
You will also need to choose which logo you want:
For this logo, fill in the _WANTEDLOGO_ as whitelogo
For this logo, fill in the _WANTEDLOGO_ as blacklogo
If neigther of these colours will go with your page, then e-mail me and I'll try make you a more suitable one.
If you have any questions, you can use the below form to contact me: