11th circle Wizard
Try Again
Effect: Will
Duration: 0
Threads: 5
Threadweaving: 13/26
Range: N/A

This spell causes time to reverse for a number of seconds equal to the casters
effect test.

12th Circle Illusionist
You Win
Effect: Will + 9
Duration: 2 RR + Rank
Threads: 1
TW: 12/24
Range: Touch

When an attacker attacks, no matter what happens the attack seems to hit the 
target of ‘You Win’ and the damage that didn’t get through appears as if it actually got through.  
Assume the character hit,  and the character (or GM) rolls damage as normal.  The 
amount of damage rolled appears on the body of the 
target of the spell.  The damage that didn’t get through(and wounds if any)  at
the end of the spells duration is then forced upon the attacker(s) who feel the 
pain and see the wounds appear as if they were delt to themselves.  The attacker(s)
must be within 30 yards of the target of the spell for the damage to
be transfered.

False Robbery
9th Circle Nethermancy
Effect: Will
Duration: Equal to effect test in seconds. (round up to the next round i.e. 25
 seconds would be 3 rounds.)
Threads: 2
Threadweaving: 13/28

Robbery can be cast on any inanimate object.  The object temporarily shifts into Astral Space.  
Depending upon how tainted the area is, there could be the possibility of some Astral Being 
finding the object and taking it.  Once Astral, the object would fall from other Non-Magical 
objects such as inside a backpack.  The nethermancer must use Viewpoint to be able to see and target the 
item if it is in a container..  Note that Viewpoint needs touch, so a nethermancer would have to 
touch the (backpack or other object if he/she were to cast False Robery on an object in another object.  
Of course, the 
Nethermancer could opt to cast False robbery on the container itself, and cause
 the contents to fall all over the place.  Two Nethermancers could make a great 
team.  One casts the spell on the container, and the other casts the spell on 
the item.  The nethermancer rolls the effect dice against the spell defense of the object to force 
it into astral space.

13th Circle Elementalist
Element Encircle
Effect: Will
Duration: RR
Threads: 4
Threadweaving: 15/26

The Element Encircle spell encircles up to 10y diameter area in one of the five
The circle can be a total sphere, or a half sphere depending upon the target 
location.  Or, it can be just a circle on the ground.  The casting difficulty for Element Encircle is 2.  
Anyone caught inside the sphere can break through Ice, Water, Air without any problems so these elements 
are not used that often.  Wood Sphere PD/9 Ar:4 Mys:3 Death rating of sphere – 30 Earth sphere: 
PD/11 Ar:6.  Death Rating – 40.  Anyone touching the fire sphere will take damage equal to the effect test.  
If anyone, or anything is in the path that the sphere would take according to the casters wishes 
while the spell casting is being done, the spell is disrupted before the sphere is created.  
The Fire and Air spheres have no
Weight to them and can be cast up to the Range and the sphere will stay at the target area.  Wood or Water or 
spheres will drop to the ground and take falling damage possibly breaking them.(and anything caught inside).  
An Elementalist who tries to cast this spell to encircle a moving object must roll a half-magic 
perception roll against the Physical Defense of the moving target, or the highest PD of a group of targets.  
If he misses this roll, the spell is
cast, but the moving target will not be encircled.