Imaerus' Gothic Horrorscopes

(A Bleak Peek at the Stars)

November, 2001

Alrighty . . . I'm back again, this time for a while it seems. I know you're absolutely ecstatic to hear about this, as I would be if I were you. So without further ado . .
The month of November should bring everyone as good news as you're going to see for quite some time, with the trines, and the sequiquadratures, and the glavin, whooohoy. . . But the movement of Uranus is not to be taken lightly.

(for exact planetary movements, grab an ephemeris from your local occult bookie.)

ARIES Take this and RAM it . . .
TAURUS What a load of bull.
GEMINI Those blessed enough to be born between May 22 and June 22.
CANCER The humane, and maternal CRAB!!
LEO Who cares if you're full of shit, as long as you're loud.
VIRGO God's gift to masochists, and self-loathers.
LIBRA All things considered, this is probably the biggest misnomer in the zodiac.
SCORPIO These arachnids are into S&M. (Sex & Money)
SAGGITARIUS Half-man, half-beast. Sounds illegal!
CAPRICORN A practical and level-headed martyr.
AQUARIUS Haughty AND aloof. . .WOW! Who could ask for anything more?!
PISCES What is that smell?

If you would like your own Horrorscope, e-mail me the following below:

Imaerus Q. Hollowgoth
© 2001, Imaerus Q. Hollowgoth
last updated: 10-13-01, 14:32 PDT
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