Many of you know me by my warning posts of the fraud that ripped me off. Luckily this is only one of the bad dealings that I have had over the internet. I know of others who had similar experiences. I just want to give some advice for dealing over the internet with complete strangers most likely not in your home state.

1. Keep all email between you and the dealer. Plus save the post or ad of the items for sale.

2. Ask for references and email all the references. Give them the  dealer's name and email address to remind them.

3. Ask for their snail mail address in advance. Then do an internet search to see if they really live there or is a minor at the address. i.e. parent's name is shown instead. Also if they have a post office box ask for phone number & research it.

4. Ask for an image(JPEG or GIF) of the item if possible.

5. Ask for their phone number just in case of downed servers or computers.

6. Send U.S. Postal Money Orders (or similar postal money orders). The U.S. Post office is not kind to frauds who cash them and split without going through with deals.

7. Keep all receipts: money orders, etc.

8. Not really necessary but helpful is to send the payment through certified mail.

9. Send a cashier's check, it is federal mail fraud if it is misused.

10. If a business use credit cards. Then if private person use credit card checks. Credit card companies are vigilant against any fraud.

If the worst happens then file complaints.

Go to your local post office and ask to file a mail fraud complaint.

If the payment was $500 or less then go to your county courthouse and file a small claims court. Your court clerk should be able to help you answer any questions.

Call your credit card company. (That is what those 800 numbers are for.)


Plus if you have something to add please email me. 1